February 2023 Agenda

24th January 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of Utterby Parish Council, is to be held on:
Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 7.00pm
To be held at Utterby Village Hall, Main Road, Utterby. Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Maria Vincent
3 Church Walk, South Cockerington, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 7EE -Tel: 01507 328149, clerkupc@gmail.com
There will be up to 15 minutes for the public forum for members of the public to raise any issues. Questions will be dealt with in order of receipt which must be received at least one hour before the meeting (please call or email the Clerk). On completion of the Public Forum, the public will not be able to take part in any of the remaining council meeting. This session may also include the reports from Outside Bodies: ELDC Ward Member and LCC Ward Member.
1 Record of Members Present and Apologies
To receive and note apologies for absence which have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda - in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
3 Minutes:
a)  To approve as correct records the notes of the Parish Council meeting from 7th December 2022 and authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
4 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks.
b) Clerk’s Report.
c) To resolve to send out a flyer to all households 1st week of March to promote the annual village meeting. 
d) To discuss any further ideas of community projects to consider for the village of Utterby for 2023/24 and to receive any costings obtained to date. To also discuss and resolve on the way forward for the parish noticeboard.
e) Consultations to consider: Fulstow Community Primary (sent by email – expired). LCC precept – sent by email. To Resolve on the result the Clerk submitted.
f) Communications received : London Hearts, ELDC notification of address, Louth Rural Police News, LALC membership, Lives funding request, letter to all Councillors from NALC
g) Appraisal – to resolve to undertake an appraisal for the Clerk.
h) To resolve on the meeting dates for 2023/24.
i) To resolve to update emergency contact detail list for inclusion on the website and noticeboard.
j) To note that Council elections will be held on May 4th 2023, and to be aware of ‘purdah’ good code of practice leading up to the elections.
5   Finance and Budgets
a) Audit – to Resolve to request that Mr S Fletcher, Mablethorpe Town Clerk be asked to undertake the audit for Utterby in 2023.
b) Draft budget allocations 2023-24 – Councillors to discuss and consider the draft budget allocation sheet.
c) Financial Regulations – To resolve to update the public procurement information in the Financial Regulations.
d) To note the information has been received with regards to grants/funding for:
i. Defib units
ii. Play parks
e) Quarterly Monitoring - To resolve that a second an additional councillor to Cllr Gallant check the quarterly monitoring. 
f) Closed Session Item - To Resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: 
1)To consider and Resolve on quotations:
i. The verge and village green grass cutting
ii. The village green hedge cutting
iii. The Kissing Gate weed trimming
iv. Domain name registration and emails
2)To resolve to update the allocation of holiday hours paid to the Clerk.
g) Payments - to receive and resolve to accept payments.
6 Planning Matters
a) Any urgent planning applications to consider.
b) To resolve on submission by Clerk on N/192/02230/22 Planning Permission - Erection of a hay store. THE ORCHARDS, MAIN ROAD, UTTERBY sent via email to Councillors. 
c) Updates from any planning issues.
7 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – Any new residents.
b) Verges, Trees and Village Green. 
c) Bus shelters – update regarding costs.
d) Utterby Voice – Feedback
8 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) Any urgent issues or updates.
9 Notifications
a) Any notifications to date.
10 Date and time of Next Meeting 
To note that the next meeting is on Wednesday March 1st 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.