March 2023 Agenda
22nd February 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of Utterby Parish Council, is to be held on:
Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7.00pm
To be held at Utterby Village Hall, Main Road, Utterby. Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Maria Vincent
3 Church Walk, South Cockerington, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 7EE -Tel: 01507 328149,
There will be up to 15 minutes for the public forum for members of the public to raise any issues. Questions will be dealt with in order of receipt which must be received at least one hour before the meeting (please call or email the Clerk). On completion of the Public Forum, the public will not be able to take part in any of the remaining council meeting. This session may also include the reports from Outside Bodies: ELDC Ward Member and LCC Ward Member.
1 Record of Members Present and Apologies
To receive and note apologies for absence which have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda - in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
3 Minutes:
a) To approve as correct records the notes of the Parish Council meeting from 1st February 2023 and authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
4 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks.
b) Clerk’s Report.
c) To discuss the community project ideas for the village green and to resolve on any decisions.
d) Consultations to consider:
e) Communications received : 2023-02 Wolds NPT Briefing; ELDC ref election process info.
f) To resolve on any promotion for the Parish Council elections for candidates and the electorate. To note that ID is now required to vote.
g) To discuss any arrangements for the Annual Village Meeting on 5th April 2023.
h) To discuss and note any arrangements / events in the village for King Charles III Coronation.
i) Annual policy and document reviews. To review/ note or to Resolve upon changes to:
i. Council information document.
ii. Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme
iii. Risk Management Strategy.
iv. Risk Management Document.
v. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy.
vi. Equal Opportunities Policy.
vii. Environmental Policy.
viii. Health & Safety Policy.
ix. Grievance and Discipline Procedure policy.
j) To review and approve the following new privacy notice and policy for 2023-24:
i. Utterby Parish Council Data Privacy Notice
ii. Utterby Parish Council GDPR Policy
5 Finance and Budgets
a) Payments - to receive and resolve to accept payments.
b) To resolve on the quotations received for the siting of the new parish notice board.
c) To resolve on the quotations received for the domain name and new council emails.
d) Grass cutting contracts - To ratify the decision made (via email) that the grass cutting contractor for Village Green and verges is confirmed as contractor B (Glendale Countryside Ltd) but with the lower quotation of £1,526.72 plus VAT. This is following confirmation from LCC regarding the area we should contract out for (which is much less than the area they contribute towards).
e) Audit – to note that the books have been returned from the internal auditor. To Resolve to accept the Internal’s Auditor’s report to the council. Further, to Resolve to send a letter of thanks to Mr S Fletcher for undertaking the audit.
f) To note that an application for VAT refund has been made.
g) Draft budget allocations 2023-24 – Councillors to resolve to approve the final draft budget.
h) Quarterly Monitoring - To resolve to approve the quarterly monitoring sheets checked by Cllrs: NG and JW 1st February 2023.
i) To resolve on the following outstanding time that will be due to the Clerk at year end of 7-10 hours.
6 Planning Matters
a) Any urgent planning applications to consider.
b) Updates regarding N1920223022 Orchards hay store.
c) Updates regarding N/192/00289/17 land off Chapel Lane /Grange Lane.
d) Updates from any other planning issues.
7 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – Any new residents.
b) Verges, Trees and Village Green – moles.
c) Bus shelters – update regarding costs.
d) Utterby Voice – Coronation and other content to be included for July.
8 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) To resolve to decide on feasible positions for any new bins in the village so that the parish council can make an application to ELDC.
b) To note Lincolnshire County Council’s contribution towards grass cutting of the verges 23-24.
c) Any urgent issues or updates.
9 Notifications
a) Any notifications to date.
10 Date and time of Next Meeting
To note that the Annual Village Meeting will be held on Wednesday April 5th 2023 at 6pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.
To note that the next parish council meeting is on Wednesday April 5th 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.