November 2022 Agenda
25th October 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of Utterby Parish Council, is to be held on:
Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7.00pm
To be held at Utterby Village Hall, Main Road, Utterby. Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.
Maria Vincent
3 Church Walk, South Cockerington, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 7EE -Tel: 01507 328149,
There will be up to 15 minutes for the public forum for members of the public to raise any issues. Questions will be dealt with in order of receipt which must be received at least one hour before the meeting (please call or email the Clerk). On completion of the Public Forum, the public will not be able to take part in any of the remaining council meeting. This session may also include the reports from Outside Bodies: ELDC Ward Member and LCC Ward Member.
1 Record of Members Present and Apologies
To receive and note apologies for absence which have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
2 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda - in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
3 Minutes:
a) To approve as correct records the notes of the Parish Council meeting from 5th October 2022 and authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
4 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks.
b) Clerk’s Report.
c) Ideas from the community for projects to be considered for the village of Utterby for 2023/24 (members of the public allowed to take part in the discussion for this item).
d) To discuss and Resolve if meetings in the autumn/winter (December 2022 – March 2023) should start at 6pm instead of 7pm.
e) To Resolve to choose a date for the Utterby Parish Meeting (must take place between 1 March and 1 June, both dates inclusive, and must take place no earlier than 6pm)
f) Consultations to consider: Anglian Water new reservoir consultation.
g) Communications received :
5 Finance and Budgets
a) To resolve to change Financial Regs point 10h ‘When it is to enter into a contract of less than £25,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk or RFO shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is below £3,000 and above £250 the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates. Otherwise, Regulation 9.3 above shall apply.’ Change to £250 to £500.
b) To receive and resolve to approve payments for November 2022.
c) Councillors to consider and to Resolve on any projects for the 2023/24 budget including those discussed in item 4c.
d) Councils to consider the draft budget and resolve on the precept for 2023/24.
e) Quarterly Monitoring Report – To receive and approve the quarterly monitoring July –end September 2022 undertaken.
f) To resolve on obtaining quotations required for grass cutting, hedge cutting, general tree work, bus shelters, bus shelter cleaning and odd jobs 2023-24.
6 Planning Matters
a) Any urgent planning applications to consider.
b) Updates from any planning issues.
7 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – Any new residents.
b) Verges, Trees and Village Green.
c) Bus shelters.
d) Utterby Voice – January edition.
e) Christmas lights
8 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) Any urgent issues or updates.
b) Footpaths.
c) Drainage on Grange Lane.
9 Notifications
a) Any notifications to date.
10 Date and time of Next Meeting
Wednesday December 7th 2022, time to be confirmed in the Village Hall, Utterby.