November 2023 Minutes
a) It was noted that there were a number of serious issues with flooding in the village:
• Top of Church Lane, drains blocked.
• Top of Grange Lane on A16, drains not cleared and severe flooding (Clerk reported on Fix My Street). Residents opened manhole covers and rodded them for 25 metres.
• Outside 6 Queen’s Close, damaged drain has a hole which is a safety risk.
• Permanent drainage not yet installed on new development to the back of Jacob’s Close causing flooding to the two bungalows opposite the entrance on Grange Lane. It was also thought that this is due to the pond originally on that land not being filled in correctly (Clerk reported).
• Concern that the dyke on the A16 near to the Kissing Gate Walk was brimming to full of water.
b) There was also a reported incident that a lorry delivery could not access the new development via Grange Lane as gate locked and as no-one there to open it the lorry accessed the development via Chapel Lane and Jacob’s Close.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Tina Bryan (TTB), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) , Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (NM) and Cllr Terry Buckley (TB).
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, eight members of the public and Cllr Mossop (ELDC) and Cllr Hall (LCC).
42 Apologies Received
Cllr John Mackin (NM).
43 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
44 Minutes
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 4th October 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.
45 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chair expressed concern over the number of flooding incidents in the village and commented that the council would hear all the issues even if it meant the meeting went over time.
b) Clerk’s Report. Nothing to report.
c) Consultations – ELDC Polling Review – Consultation was noted. Cllr Mossop reported that there would be no changes for Utterby under this review. Waldon – Consultation was noted regarding an upgrade mobile base station at LN11 0TN.
d) Communications were noted from: Zero Hour, Eco and ELDC Pride Team.
e) To Resolve to choose a date for the Utterby Parish Meeting (must take place between 1 March and 1 June, both dates inclusive, and must take place no earlier than 6pm). NB: This item was mistakenly missed out of the meeting and would be included on December agenda.
46 Finance and Budgets
a) Quarterly Monitoring – It was RESOLVED to approve the quarterly monitoring for beginning July 23 to end September 23 which was checked prior to the meeting by Cllr JW and Cllr TTB.
b) Payments – It was RESOLVED to approve the payments and to accept the Bank Reconciliation.
i. J. Woodward, Reimburse plants and soil, £59.99 ref 675
ii. Clerk, Salary and expenses for October 23, £241.23, ref 676
iii. HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161, Tax for October 23, £5.80 ref 677
iv. DW Gibbs, Bus shelter cleaning November 23, £30.00, ref 678
Total £337.02
c) The Council noted that the HSBC bank account had now been closed and all funds moved to Unity Trust account.
d) It was RESOLVED to defer the item ‘Councillors to consider and to Resolve on any projects for the 2024/25’ to the December meeting.
e) It was RESOLVED to agree on the tabled draft budget for 2024/25 and it was RESOLVED that the precept would stay the same in 2024/25 as the current year, with no increase £8843.84.
f) It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should obtain quotations for grass cutting and verge cutting (as separate quotes) for 2024/25. Further it was RESOLVED that the contractors used this year for the hedge cutting, strimming of Kissing Gate path, general tree planting work and bus shelter cleaning should carry on being used for 2024/25 so long as their prices were comparable with the current year.
47 Planning
a) The Chair reported that a further planning application for two houses on the field behind the Village Hall had now been made. Although some documents were now on the planning website, Utterby PC had not been invited to comment yet, and so could not Resolve on the application in case there was further documentation to be added.
b) There was a discussion regarding the constant planning enforcement complaints made regarding the development at the back of Jacob’s Close, and Cllr Mossop (ELDC) reiterated that residents must write letters of complaint regarding these to ELDC enforcement, which would add weight to the parish council’s complaints.
48 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – nothing to report.
b) Village Green and Verges – Council still waiting for a quote for the planting of daffodils.
c) Trees - It was RESOLVED to accept David Buckley’s quote of £60 for labour only to plant the 3 new trees, and that the Parish Council would purchase the stakes and rubber ties.
d) Bus shelters – Nothing to report.
e) Telephone Box – A resident of the village had undercoated the telephone box and would complete when the weather improved.
f) Kissing Gates – Still waiting for quotes to refurbish/replace the Kissing Gates on Church Lane and the A16.
49 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) A16 speed limit –Cllr Hall (LCC) reported that this proposal would go out to public consultation. It was queried whether the speed limit would then also be reduced in the lanes off the A16 as LCC had inferred previously that their speed limit was conditional of the main road speed limit. Cllr Hall agreed that it was not on the current proposal but would investigate.
b) Parking bays outside Bank Cottage, Main Road, Utterby – Cllr Hall (LCC) was a little concerned about the lack of space on the verge for a parking bay/layby but reported he would investigate and try to meet up with the resident.
c) Any urgent issues or updates – The Clerk reported that the application for the dog bin had been refused on the grounds that there was no public turning area for the collection lorry, but following information that the waste lorries and other lorries turned at the entrance to a nearby farm, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should contact ELDC again to give them this information.
d) Benson Court –No further updates.
e) Christmas Lights – As no suitable replacement or idea could be found for the tree lights, it was RESOLVED that we would not replace the Christmas decorations.
50 Notifications
Nothing to report.
51 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) It was noted that that the next meeting was on Wednesday December 6th 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.
Meeting finished at 8:25pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________