April 2023 Minutes
• A resident asked that householders be advised to close the lids of their wheelie bins properly as litter was blowing out of them onto the road and footway.
• Cllr Mossop had prepared a written report which would be included in the Utterby Voice and on the website/ Facebook page.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present – none
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, four members of the public and Cllr Mossop (ELDC).
92 Apologies Received
93 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
94 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st March 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.
95 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that the notice board had been delivered and was being stored in his garage, and that is looked very good, but only had two doors.
b) Clerk’s Report. The Clerk gave a brief summary of matters emanating and updates from last meeting.
c) Consultations – None to discuss.
d) Communications were noted from: Fulstow Community Primary regarding final decision, Lincs Wolds Trust, LALC ref Extraordinary Meeting and ELDC regarding several trees on Church Lane now with TPOs.
e) Council Elections – The Council noted that both the Parish and District council elections were uncontested.
96 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments schedule due end March 2023: HMRC March 2023 Tax £16.00, Clerk Salary and expenses in March 2023 £265.79, East Lincs Pest Control Mole traps £300.00, Utterby Village Hall Cupboard and room hire £150.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges and Village Green March 2023 £130.46 TOTAL £862.25 and payments due the beginning of April DW Gibbs April 23 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00, LALC Membership £86.06 TOTAL £116.06
b) Close of 2022/23 budget – The budget sheet was noted and it was RESOLVED that the balance of the budget £1482.31 be transferred to general earmarked reserves.
c) Asset Review - the assets sheet was discussed and it was RESOLVED that the cost of cover for the insurance of the bus shelters and other wooden structure be increased to allow for inflationary costs and also for the labour costs which were considered to have been under estimated in the previous year. Further that the Clerk would complete the pre quotation questionnaire based on the new figures for the insurance company and return.
d) Payments for May – it was RESOLVED that, as the May meeting is two weeks later than usual that the quote for the insurance by Gallagher (final year of 3-year term) be circulated by email with a recommendation, and that the decision be ratified at the May meeting and further that all due payments be circulated via email, approved, paid, and ratified at the May 2023 meeting.
97 Planning
a) Urgent planning applications to consider – Planning Application N/192/00401/23 - LAND REAR OF QUEENS CLOSE, GRANGE LANE - It was RESOLVED that the parish council would neither support or object to this planning application. However, the parish council had grave concerns that, due to the very narrow access to the development land, any construction lorries would impinge onto the Village Green land, which is a public asset, managed and registered by Utterby Parish Council. Further that they could not see how any construction traffic during the development would be able to turn around on the site. Lastly, they were concerned that notice has been given to the tenant of Braemar, Kevin Litchfield but not to the owner of the property.
b) Updates from any other planning issues – none.
98 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack. New residents to be given a pack.
b) Verges, Trees and Village Green – The pest control company had removed eight moles. Two whips (trees) were dead on the village green and that we would consider replacing them at a meeting later in the year. It was RESOLVED that the planters all needed refreshing and that a budget of £150 be allowed for so that JW could purchase peat and plants.
c) Bus Shelters – It was noted that a member of the public at the Annual Parish meeting had reported an issue with sludge and branches at the A16 South bus shelter making it difficult for people to alight on and off the buses.
99 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) Bin application – Nothing had been received back yet from ELDC.
100 Notifications
Nothing to report.
101 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) It was noted that the next parish council meeting is the Annual Parish Council meeting on Wednesday May 17th (the THIRD Wednesday) 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby
Cllr AW thanked Cllr NG for all her hard work over the last few years as a Councillor as she had not stood as a councillor for the next term.
Meeting finished at 8:18.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________