October 2023 Minutes

• It was noted that there had been no noise issues regarding the Equinox Festival. 
• Cllr Mossop reported that he had been notified by Platform Housing that Benson Court would be sold for redevelopment.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Tina Bryan (TTB), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Terry Buckley (TB).
Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent two members of the public and Cllr Mossop (left at beginning of meeting).
32  Apologies Received
Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
33  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
34  Minutes
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 5th July 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them. The public forum notes from the meeting (not quorate) on 6th September were signed as a record.
35  Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. Nothing to report
b) Clerk’s Report.  The Clerk she had obtained a key for the cabinet (originals gone astray), but that the number had been misread and so would order a new set.
c) Consultations – LCC consultation under LCC item.
d) Communications were noted from: Lincolnshire Community Foundation regarding grants; Cllr Edward Mossop regarding Benson Court storage of building materials; Lives request for funding; Dept of Health and Social Care regarding grants; Village resident regarding her communications ref A16 speeding with the local MP. 
i. Utterby Academy- It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would reply to the academy and suggest that they ask Cllr Hall (LCC) to visit them. 
ii. Utterby Village Hall – increase in price noted which was somewhat offset by the cupboard charge being dropped. It was RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the rental agreement. The Clerk read out the information regarding fire safety. 
iii. Lincolnshire Police - It was RESOLVED that the Chair would attend the online Teams quarterly meeting that Parish Council Chairs had been invited to.
e) Financial Regulations - It was RESOLVED to Update the Council’s Financial Regulations with reference to the online bank account.
f) Village Hall – a) It was RESOLVED that a Member of the Parish Council would sit on the Village Hall Management Committee /Trust, and that the membership of the appointed Member be reconsidered on an annual basis at the Annual Parish Council meeting.  b) It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Tina Bryan as the member of the Parish Council to sit on the Village Hall Management Committee /Trust until it’s consideration again at the May Annual Parish Council Meeting (TBC May 2024). To note that should Cllr Tina Bryan (as the appointed member) resign or no longer be a member of Utterby Parish Council, that they would automatically be released from being a member of the Village Hall Management Committee/Trust and a new Councillor would be appointed.
36 Finance and Budgets
a) Quarterly Monitoring – It was RESOLVED to approve the quarterly monitoring for beginning April 23 to end June 23 which was checked prior to the meeting by Cllr JW and Cllr TTB.
b) It was RESOLVED to ratify payments authorised by emails in July/August: Utterby Parish Council (Unity Trust bank)- deposit for new account £500.00 #100659 ref 658, HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 - July 2023 tax £31.20 IB 4/8/23 ref 659, DW Gibbs - August bus shelter cleaning £30.00 IB 4/8/23 ref 660, Utterby Parish Council - Payment to go into Unity Trust Account £2,000.00 #100660 ref 661, Clerk - July salary and expenses £354.10 #100661 ref 662.
c) Clerk – It was RESOLVED to approve the extra hours to the contracted hours paid for in the Clerk’s August hours (as previously agreed by Council). 
d) It was RESOLVED to ratify the payments made September 6th 2023 following the meeting which was not quorate. Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges cut July 2023 £140.93 ref 663, HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 August 2023 tax £28.60  ref 664, DW Gibbs September bus shelter cleaning £30.00 ref 665
Clerk August salary and expenses £316.84 ref 666, J Woodward Draft excluder -reimbursement Boyes, £8.50 ref 667, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges cut Aug 2023 £140.93 ref 668
e) Payments – It was RESOLVED to approve the payments and to accept the Bank Reconciliation. HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 September 2023 tax £5.80 ref 669, DW Gibbs October bus shelter cleaning £30.00 ref 670, Clerk September salary and expenses £225.07 ref 671, David Buckley (D H B Gardening Services) Village Green hedge, Hedge corner Church Lane, and Kissing Gate £220.00 ref 672, Utterby Village Hall Meeting April, May, June, July, Sept £123.00 ref 673, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges and Village Green September 2023 £140.93 ref 674.
f) It was RESOLVED to close the HSBC bank account moving all current funds into the Unity Trust account. Cllr TTB checked the account details for the transfer and Cllrs AW, TB, JB and the Clerk signed the form.
37 Planning 
a) A brief discussion took place regarding unofficial plans for a further planning application to the field behind the Village Hall. These plans might be very advantageous for the Village Hall however, it was also noted that it might block out the last envelope of a countryside view for a resident on Grange Lane. As the planning application has not yet been made, it was considered that no further discussion should take place until it was official.
b) Any urgent planning applications to consider – none.
c) It was noted that the Parish Council’s complaints regarding N/192/00289/17 LAND OFF CHAPEL LANE AND, GRANGE LANE, UTTERBY NATURE OF INVESTIGATION: Breach of condition 3 and condition 8 on Planning Permission had not been found to contravene the permissions given.
38 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – nothing to report.
b) Village Green and Verges - the grass had been cut, but there was concern at how poorly the contractors had performed this year.
i. Land Registry -The Clerk reported that the land registry information for the Village Green land had now been changed with her contact details.
ii Following consideration of the plan of location of daffodils on the verges, it was RESOVLED to ask David Buckley for a quote to buy and plant more daffodils. 
c) Trees – Cllr AW had looked at trees from Woodthorpe Garden Centre. It was RESOLVED to buy 3 or 4 more trees (budget of £300) to replace those that had died on the Village Green and to ask David Buckley for a quote to plant them.
d) Tidy Up Week review – Cllr AW listed some of the many projects he undertook including clearing the drains down Holywell Lane and Grange Lane.
e) Bus shelters – The contractor had reported concerns of drug use in the shelter. Cllrs to keep a check on the shelters.
f) Telephone Box – Following receipt of paint from BT Openreach, it was RESOLVED that a volunteer resident who had offered to do the work, would repaint the telephone box as it was in such poor condition.
g) Utterby Voice feedback – The Church rep had emailed to thank the Council.
h) Kissing gates – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would get some quotes to refurbish/replace the Kissing Gates on Church Lane and the A16.
39 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) A16 speed limit –the new proposal from LCC (passed to us by Cllr Hall) to reduce speed limit on part of main road to 30mph was briefly discussed, but the Council had not even got a date when this proposal was to go forward.
b) NHT public Representative Online Survey - Lincolnshire County Council. It was RESOLVED that the Chair, Cllr AW would complete this on behalf of the parish council and send it to the Clerk to input online. 
c) Parking bays outside Bank Cottage, Main Road, Utterby. – It was RESOLVED that the parish council would support this request and that the Clerk would contact Cllr Hall (LCC) to ascertain the best method to apply to LCC.
d) Any urgent issues or updates - None
e) Benson Court –It was noted that the containers would continue to be used by Platform Housing and that there were no plans to remove them any time soon.
f) A16/Church Lane – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would ask David Buckley to include trimming the corner blind junction as recently undertaken three times a year (same time as cutting the Kissing Gate path).
40  Notifications
Nothing to report.
41 Date and time of Next Meeting 
a) It was noted that that the next meeting was on Wednesday November 1st 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.
Meeting finished at 8:22pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________