June 2023 Minutes

• A resident advised the council that barriers with notices had been erected on Grange Lane to prevent entry to traffic onto the development site between Grange Lane and Chapel Lane. Further the resident said the brick dust was so bad he had to go to hospital as it had increased his asthma condition considerably. See planning item.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present – Cllr Tina Bryan, Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW). 
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, and one member of the public.
12  Apologies Received
Apologies received from Cllr Tina Bryan, Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW). 
13  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
14  Minutes
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting 17th May 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.
b) The Clerk read out the pertinent points from the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Council noted them.
15  Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. Nothing to report
b) Clerk’s Report. Nothing to report.
c) Consultations – None to discuss.
d) Communications were noted from: Lincolnshire Police, resident with coronation bench suggestion, resident regarding A16 speed and a copy of a letter she sent to Victoria Atkins MP (also copy of reply), SELCP ref tree planting and community orchards.
16 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would pay for the Clerk’s SLCC membership again for 2023/24.
b) It was RESOLVED that the decision to choose two councillors to undertake the quarterly monitoring each quarter be deferred to the next meeting.
c) The council noted that the AGAR has been sent by email and received by PKF Littlejohn LLP and that the information was now on the website and PC notice board.
d) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments schedule due: HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161, May 2023 Tax-£5.80; Clerk, Salary and expenses in May 2023-£238.07;DW Gibbs; June 23 Bus shelter and phone box-£30.00; SLCC Membership for Clerk- £80.00; J Woodward, Plants and plant food/peat-£76.23, David Buckley, Kissing gate and hedges- £125.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd, Verges and Village Green May 2023-£140.93 TOTAL £696.03. It was also noted that Cllr AW and JW would have to sign the cheques due to lack of signatories at the meeting, but that Cllr JW would ask Cllr MW to sign the cheque (along with Cllr AW) to reimburse her for payment for peat and flowers.
17 Planning 
a) Urgent planning applications to consider – Planning Application N/192/01118/23 – Honeysuckle Cottage, Main Road- It was RESOLVED that the parish council had no comment to make.
b) Updates from any other planning issues – 192/00505/22/N Development Grange Lane/Chapel Lane. It was noted that barriers had been put in place at the entrance on Grange Lane into the development site deterring all traffic to use that entrance, and instead they were entering via Chapel Lane and Jacob’s Close. Also the brick dust being generated from brick cutting was causing an issue with a resident. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to Enforcement with photos to see if they were able to assist. 
N/192/00966/23 – It was noted there were two neighbourhood objections to the Langdale application. Cllr AW said that she had finally spoken to Heritage Lincolnshire and they said that the planning application did not affect the architecture of the church but the setting, and that this was no concern of Heritage Lincolnshire. Cllr JW understood that Cllr Mossop (ELDC) had also looked at the site.
18 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack. Two new residents to be given a pack.
b) Verges, Trees and Village Green – Cllr AW confirmed that the three whips we had been given had died and that he would like to look at replacing them on a future agenda. It was RESOLVED that Utterby would have a Tidy Up week from Sunday August 6th to Saturday August 12th.
c) Bus Shelters – Nothing.
d) Utterby Voice -  Clerk to include the Tidy Up Week. Much of this edition will be the annual reports.
e) Noticeboard – Clerk to follow up with Dave Skells regarding the erection of the noticeboard.
19 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) Bin application – Nothing had been received back yet from ELDC.
20  Notifications
 Nothing to report.
21 Date and time of Next Meeting 
a) It was noted that the next parish council meeting is the on Wednesday July 5th 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.
Meeting finished at 7:53pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________