May 2023 Minutes

1 Elections
a. It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Alan Woodward as the Chairman of Utterby Parish Council.
b. It was RESOLVED to not elect a Vice Chairman of Utterby Parish Council.
• Nothing to report.
Record of Members Present:
  Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Tina Bryan (TTB) (joined following election), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB)(was not present for elections), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present - None
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and one member of the public.
2. Apologies Received
3. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Item in planning which is next door to St Andrew’s Church - Cllr A and W Woodward are on the DCC of St Andrew’s Church (not a pecuniary interest).
4. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 5th April 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.
5.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a. Co-option of a Councillor. The Council RESOLVED that it was not necessary to go in Closed Session. It was RESOLVED that Tina Bryan be elected as Councillor to fill the single vacancy for the Parish Council.
b. Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman expressed his delight that so many councillors had stood again for the Parish Council.
c. Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported  that her membership was now due for the SLCC (£80) and would be requesting at the next meeting that the council pay again for this.  She confirmed that the domain name had now been paid for and so new emails would be sent out imminently. Now that we had a full council the Clerk would proceed with changing the bank account to Trinity (Resolved on previously). The Clerk was still waiting for a reply regarding the change of C/O address for the land registry of the Village Green.
d. Following a review it was RESOLVED to accept the Asset Register as circulated to Councillors as of end March 2023.
e. It was RESOLVED to approve Standing Orders with no changes apart from date.
f. It was noted that the Financial Regulations were reviewed and updated in February 2023.
g. It was RESOLVED to approve the Code of Conduct with no changes apart from date.
h. It was RESOLVED to approve the Complaints Procedure with no changes apart from date and the address of ELDC.
i. There were no current consultations to review, but the Clerk highlighted the Viking pipeline consultation previously circulated by email to councillors (expiry date passed).
j. Communication was received and noted regarding hedgehog doors through fences, suggested to included in the Utterby Voice. 
6 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the quarterly monitoring January to end March 2023 checked in April 2023 by Cllrs J Woodward and Cllr N Gallant (no longer a councillor) and the new budget 2023-24.
b) It was RESOLVED to ratify the decision to approve agreement of quote (by email) for the third year of the Parish Council’s Insurance policy (3 year term) of £511.54 due 01/06/2023 from AJG Community Schemes Gallagher insurance.
c) It was RESOLVED to ratify the approved all the payments (by email 5th April HM Revenue and Customs Only 120PX00376161, April 2023 Tax £5.60, Clerk Salary and expenses in April 2023 £243.49, DW Gibbs May 23 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges and Village Green April 2023 £140.93, Cloud Next Ltd domain and email accounts £251.98, Gallagher Insurance £511.54 £511.54
d) It was RESOLVED to receive and note the Internal Auditor’s report.
e) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23
i. It was RESOLVED to agree that the Council was eligible to apply for the Certificate of Exemption, it was approved and authorised that the Chairman and Parish Clerk sign it and that the Parish Clerk send it to the auditors, PKF Littlejohn LLP. 
ii. The Annual Governance Statement was reviewed; it was RESOLVED to approve it and authorise that the Chairman and Parish Clerk sign it.
iii. Following the presentation of the Accounting Statements certified by the Responsible Finance Officer, the Council approved them and authorised the Chairman to sign them.
f) It was RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation and Explanation of Variances.
g) It was RESOLVED to approve the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
h) It was noted that the contact information for the Chairman and Clerk be sent to PKF Littlejohn LLP.
7 Planning 
a) Planning Application - N/192/00966/23 Langdale. It was RESOLVED that the Council chose to make not comment regarding this application. 
b) Planning Updates – It was reported that noted that the application for development off Queen’s Close had been refused by ELDC. 
8 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack. Nothing to report
b) Utterby Tidy Up Campaign 2023– To add to the next agenda and set a date then in August.
c) Verges and Village Green – Nothing to report. 
d) Bus Shelters – The Bus Shelter outside Benson Court had now been painted.
e) Utterby Voice – Due to be printed in July 2023. Include information regarding robberies in village and stealing of spare car keys.
9 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) It was noted that the Clerk was still waiting for a reply regarding the dog bin application.
b) The tidy up by ELDC Pride team along the footpath of the A16 through the village had been noted and very much appreciated and RESOLVED that the Clerk would email to thank them.
10 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
11 Date and time of Next Meeting 
a) Parish Council Annual Meeting on Wednesday June 7th 2023 at 7pm at the Village Hall.
The meeting finished at 8:27pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________