February 2021 Minutes
Record of Members Present:
Present – Cllr. Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr. Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr. Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr. Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr. John Mackin (JM), Cllr. Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr. Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present – None
In Attendance – Clerk- Maria Vincent, Cllr A. Hall (LCC), Cllr E Mossop (ELDC) and three members of the public.
Public Forum
• A resident raised his concern regarding the proliferation of mole hills on the Village Green, and also congratulated the Parish Council on the January Utterby Voice, as did Cllr A. Hall (LCC).
• Two members of the public spoke to the Council regarding the planning application - N/052/02607/21 LAND EAST OF MONTANA, INGS LANE, FOTHERBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 0TX Planning Permission - Erection of a storage building and alterations to existing vehicular access. Demolition of existing garage on site. The residents both reported at length their strong objections to the application for a commercial unit and gave their reasons which the Council listened to so that they could discuss their concerns during the planning agenda item. The Council noted that Environmental Services had asked for a hold to be put on the application due to their concerns.
72. Apologies Received
73. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
74. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 1st December 2021 as correct record and the Chairman signed them.
75. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that more work had been contracted by the Parish Council to prune the hedging on the A16 / Church lane area, and that this now had improved vision onto the A16. He reported that he had received some positive comments regarding the tree lights over the Christmas period (one set not working so to be returned). The planters had been emptied and were being prepared for the spring. That the owner of the land on the A16 adjacent to the lay-by has now had all the hedges cut that he owned. Three trees had now arrived from Treescape (free) and were waiting for them to be planted.
b) Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported that the application for internet banking was progressing. Further she reported that we were still awaiting permission for the tree work from ELDC but that she had been advised by the Tree Officer that any new tree replacing a felled TPO automatically became a TPO.
c) It was RESOLVED to agree to the meeting dates 2021/23 with the addition of the Annual Village Meeting to be held at 6pm on 4th May 2022 (before the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council). The Clerk to request the village hall, academy and church attend to give their reports.
d) Consultations – The Council noted the Budget/Council Tax Proposals 2022/23 (sent by email, now expired).
e) Communications - Correspondence had been received and was noted from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire regarding the Queen’s Jubilee. An email regarding the updated prices for hiring the Village Hall was read out. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would email the Treasurer to express the Council’s dismay at the increase and ask if there was a discount for residents. Further it was RESOLVED that the Council would not take part in the LALC training scheme. The Clerk also drew the Council’s attention to four letters of complaint regarding the planning application on the agenda.
76 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments: HM Revenue and Customs-Tax for Dec 2021 and Jan 22 £6.80, Clerk- Salary and expenses for December 21 and Jan 22 and reimbursement of printing paid for £521.48, David Buckley-Hedge cutting, Xmas lights erection £170.00, DW Gibbs -Bus Shelters Jan and Feb 22 £40.00. TOTAL £738.28.
b) It was RESOLVED that we contract a service provider to plant the 3 new trees so long as the cost was no more than £250.
c) The Council RESOLVED to agree the slight revised budget allocations for 2002/23.
d) Audit – it was RESOLVED to request that Mr S Fletcher, Mablethorpe Town Clerk be asked to undertake the audit for Utterby in 2022.
e) The Council noted the precept application sent to ELDC and the 2022/23 tax base figures: Precept for 22/23 £8843.84, tax base 22/23=132, Band D Council Tax Charge -£ 67.00.
f) The Council deferred the decision on the purchase of a further bench for the Village Green so that other ideas to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee could be gathered and considered.
NB: It was RESOLVED to move item (g) to the end of the agenda so that the planning item could be discussed before members of the public left. It has been minuted in its original place. Cllrs NM and JM left before the Closed Session item at 7:39pm.
g) It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: To consider and Resolve on revised quotations:
i Grass cutting to verges and Village Green – Awarded to Glendale Countryside Ltd - £1413.36 plus VAT.
ii Village Green hedge cutting – Awarded to D. Buckley - £240.
iii Kissing Gate walk strimming - Awarded to D. Buckley - £90
iv Tree work as per tree survey (still awaiting permission from Tree Officer) – Awarded to Brookdale Tree Services - £400 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED to come out of Closed Session.
77 Planning
a) Following discussion and information received from four residents close to the development, it was RESOLVED to object to the Planning application - N/052/02607/21 LAND EAST OF MONTANA, INGS LANE, FOTHERBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 0TX for the following reasons:
Highway issues - poor vehicular access for plant machinery and large vehicles. Highway safety due to narrow lane with junction onto very busy main road with fast moving traffic.
Noise disturbance – commercial heavy plant machinery being moved on and off site creating disturbance in residential area – no restriction on hours of operation.
Infrastructure - large building covering over 50% of plot with no public drainage and no infrastructure in place for excess surface water.
Storage of hazardous materials – Concerns already flagged up by Environmental Services.
Incompatible use – commercial unit in a residential area.
Factual misrepresentation of proposal – no mention that location is near to water dyke. Descriptive location of plot not correct on application.
b) Other Issues – concerns were raised that at least one of the developments at the back of Jacob’s Close was not being built to the approved specification. It was RESOLVED that if there was evidence of this then the Clerk would contact Enforcement at ELDC to flag up concerns. Cllrs to look into this and forward information to the Clerk.
78 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – leaflets were low. St. James’ Church had a tourist information area to collect info from. New resident on Chapel Lane.
b) Village Trees – The Council now had the three new free trees from Treescape to plant.
c) Village Green – There was an issue with mole hills on the green and verges. The Council had finally received confirmation two weeks ago that the previous mole man did not want to undertake the work and so the Clerk had contacted another recommended pest control firm, their quoted cost was £300 for the initial clean up and then would carry out work as and when required. It was RESOLVED that the Council would suspend Standing Orders and agree to this cost without going out to other companies to quote due to the terrible state of the village green and concerns regarding health and safety. Clerk to make signs to put up on Village Green to say pest control in progress.
d) Bus Shelters – Nothing to report.
e) Planters – Now being refreshed.
f) Utterby Voice – New edition had been delivered around the village by MW and AW. The postman had kindly delivered to the three outlying farms. AW thanked the Clerk for her work on the brochure.
79 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a) Urgent issues. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would have delegated authority to add any complaints to Fix My Street which were relevant to Utterby. Cllr JW reported that 15-20 yards of pathway on way out of village by West View was no longer in existence. Cllr JW to take a photo to send to the Clerk to report on Fix My Street.
b) Updates on overgrown hedges/bushes along A16 – Now cut back further so visibility was better from Church Lane onto A16. Hedges by fisheries onto A16 now cut back. JW reported that this had now been done.
c) Parish Agreement – It was RESOLVED that the Chairman signed the Parish Agreement when available.
80 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
81 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday March 2nd 2022 at 7pm at the Village Hall.
The meeting finished at 8:24pm.
Signed ___________________ Date______________________