April 2021 Minutes
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
NB: Cllr Terry Buckley arrived at 7:12pm
Not Present –None
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC).
92 Apologies Received
93 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
Cllr NG. NM and JM – item 6a as live on Jacob’s Close.
94 Minutes
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 3rd March 2021 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.
b) It was RESOLVED to approve the record of notes from the Personnel Panel 3rd July 2019 as minutes though only 2 members of the Panel (now disbanded) are still on the Council.
95 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman's Report – The Chairman reported that the refuge was damaged further and should be reported to Lincolnshire County Council. (Clerk reported in the week). He reported that he had spoken to the owner of the ice cream vans parked on Church Lane, and hoped that the issue with the vans would be eased in due course. He also reported that planters had now been refreshed and litter picking resources had now been received should any people in the village wish to borrow them, though he did stress that there were very strict guidelines on safety for those using it. Clerk to post on FB.
b) Clerk’s Report – The Clerk reported that everything was a little uncertain at the moment with regards to how meetings will be held before village halls open and social distancing can be relaxed.
She reported that the Council’s folders all went to the internal auditor. The Cabinet Office had emailed regarding the website and that they were happy with the steps undertaken with the website to increase accessibility and took on board that LCC manage the platform. They would close the case.
She reported that she was signing up for the ILCA Course (which SLCC organise) at a cost of £120 + VAT. Following this report the Council RESOLVED that they would pay for the cost of the ILCA course for the Clerk.
c) Communications – None
d) Legislation regarding Zoom Meetings The Clerk explained the legislation regarding remote meetings and the requirement not to hold an Annual Parish Meeting had not extended beyond May 7th 2021. It was RESOLVED that meetings would continue from June face to face.
e) Annual Parish Meeting - It was RESOLVED that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Zoom before the Annual Parish Council Meeting on May 5th at 6:30pm as the Council would be unable to invite members of the public to meet face to face with the current social distancing in place. The Clerk to invite the Academy, Village Hall and Church DCC and to organise print outs of invite/agenda. Cllr. JM offered to post invites to all households.
f) Appoint Councillor to oversee the cover for insurance as per risk assessment– It was RESOLVED that Cllr NG would oversee the quotes for the insurance policy.
g) Quarterly Monitoring – it was RESOLVED that Cllr NG would carry out the Quarterly Monitoring for the next 12 months.
h) Policies – It was RESOLVED to approve the updated policies and document as reviewed
i. Council information document.
ii. Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme
iii. Risk Management Strategy.
iv. Risk Management Document.
v. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy.
vi. Equal Opportunities Policy.
vii. Environmental Policy.
viii. Health & Safety Policy.
96 Finance and Budgets
a) Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments:
2020/21 Budget
Staff, Salary and expenses for March 2021 £203.94 , Geoffrey E Fitch Kissing gate £400.00
Geoffrey E Fitch Millennium Bench £650.00, Jackie Woodward, envelopes, plants and peat for planters £79.90 (added to schedule during meeting), April 2021/22 budget, LALC Membership 2021 £84.18, DW Gibbs April 2020 bus shelter cleaning £20.00, SLCC ENTERPRISES LTD ILCA course £144.00 (as resolved in minute 95b).
TOTAL £1,582.02
b) Finance Report - The Clerk reported (figures below did not take into account cost of plants and envelopes receipt presented at meeting).
Sadly some of the work which we hoped to undertake during the 2020/21 Financial Year never went ahead and so:
Spend to date £5,754.39
20/21 payments making today £1,253.94
Expected payment to make £ 115.20
Current balance of budget remaining = £5,951.61
Less payments + expected payments £1,369.14
Expected remaining 20/21 budget £4,582.47
Plus current Reserves £8,039.99
Expected Total Remaining £12,622.46
Plus Income
VAT Refund (April 24th 2020) £215.70
LCC contribution to verge cutting (7th Sept 2020) £783.62
Expected total balance in bank end 20/21 year £13,621.78
Less current reserves £ 8039.99
Current remaining to be transferred to reserves £ 5,581.79
Current Reserves
TPOs and Green Structures 0.00
Reserve for Asset Replacement 1,000.00
Reserve for Elections 900.00
Contingency reserves in bank as of 1st April 2020 6,139.99
It was RESOLVED that the balance in the 2020/21 budget would go to the following Reserves,
£2,000 to TPOs and Green Structure
£2,000 to Reserve for Asset Replacement
£1,000 to Reserve for Elections
581.79 (or surplus) to Contingency
It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk would roll over the outstanding time worked in 2020/21 and then if she had not been able to take the time back by the end of August, to claim it in her salary then.
97 Planning
a) Update on Building Plots adjacent to Jacob’s Close – It was RESOLVED that due to lorries now trying to access the plots via Jacob’s Close (when the planning permission restricts them to access via Grange Lane) that:
i. Cllr AW would phone the original applicant of the planning permission to ask if the barrier could be put back and that the gate opened on Grange Lane.
ii. That the Council would produce a number of signs to stop lorries and services accessing the 5 building plots via Jacob’s Close as this was becoming a real issue.
iii. That the Clerk would contact Platform Housing to ask if the Council could put a sign on their land near the A16 as concern was that lorries would try to turn around on Benson Court.
iv. That the Clerk would send a letter to Mason’s Lettings to request they write to all land purchases to reiterate that access must be via Grange Lane.
v. That the Clerk would contact Planning Enforcement to see if any further progress had been made with the enforcement of conditions.
Cllr Edward Mossop said he would also see what information he could find out from Planning Enforcement.
b) Any Urgent Planning issues –None.
98 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – Cllr AW reported he had run out of leaflets so only Utterby Voices could be given out.
b) Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Planters now replanted. It was RESOLVED that up to £100 be spent on a new planter and plants for under the sign on the Main Road.
c) Verges and Village Green– The Clerk to enquire if any dog fouling signs are available to us from ELDC due to the increase on fouling in the verges.
d) Village Trees - The Clerk was still waiting for contact from the Tree Company even though she had tried to make contact several times. The Clerk confirmed the Willow Tree had been on the tree work schedule.
e) Utterby Voice –there would be a section in the June Utterby Voice listing businesses in Utterby, and also some historical content. Dog fouling issue to be highlighted in UV also.
f) Bus Shelters – In good order.
g) Wood Maintenance Schedule - The Clerk reported that the contractor had now completed the Oak bench and Kissing Gate. Cllr JW reported someone had already broken a leg on it and the contactor had gone back to mend it.
99 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a) Updates on Bin off A16 – It was reported the bin on private land off the A16 was still having dog poo bags put around the base. It was RESOLVED to write to ELDC once more and then if they confirm that it is not their bin to write to the landowner and say that the Parish Council will remove the bin as a health hazard.
b) Traffic Refuge – The Clerk had reported this damaged a few days earlier.
100 Notifications
a) None
101 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Wednesday May 5th 2021 – on Zoom at 6:30pm
b) Annual Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday May 5th 2021 – on Zoom at 7pm
The meeting finished at 8:58pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________