November 2021 Minutes

• A resident reported that, as a frequent walker, it had become increasingly difficult to walk throughout the village as paths were covered with overgrowth and brambles and the verges were growing over paths, she had concerns for those trying to push buggies or using a wheelchair. Cllr Mossop reported that the paths used to be sprayed to keep them clear but this no longer seemed to be undertaken. The Clerk confirmed that she had reported a number of complaints on Fix My Street with regards to the overgrowth onto footpaths, but that to date, no action was going to be undertaken by Lincolnshire County Council - they had reported that it was the responsibility of the landowners that were adjacent to the path. 
• A resident complained about the lack of illumination from 4 street lamps in the village. The resident agreed to report the lamp numbers to the Clerk so that she could look into the matter.
• A resident expressed her concerns following fatal cars accident at Fotherby and on the road into Louth over the last few months. Again the issue of traffic speed through the village was discussed and Cllr. Hall said he would look into our communication with the Lincolnshire Road Partnership (as we had not been able to get any reply regarding the LCC speed signs only working intermittently) . Cllr. Mossop suggested we could be involved with Speedwatch, Cllr. AW explained that we had looked at that but that we were unable to rouse enough interest/volunteers. Further Cllr. Mossop suggested that we could look into jointly owned Radar Signs with perhaps Fotherby and other nearby villages. 
Record of Members Present:
  Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present - Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, Cllr. E Mossop (ELDC), Cllr. A Hall (LCC) and two members of the public.
52. Apologies Received
Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
53. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
54. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 6th October 2021 as correct record and the Chairman signed them.
55. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that he had met with Cllrs. JW, NM and JM and identified the best location for the three trees, which were then duly planted by Millstone Garden Centre. He also reported that he had met with a contractor to discuss the overgrowth on the corner of the A16 and Church Lane that was causing issues with visibility so that it could be cut back, the main issue was thought to be about 40ft down the road from the corner towards Louth. 
b) Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported there were still issues with HSBC and they had not sent the correct forms for the bank mandate.
c) Consultations – Cllr. Hall read out the detail the Local Transport Plan Consultation and it was RESOLVED that Councillors would individually complete this survey which ended 1st December 2021 and the Clerk would add to the Facebook page.
d) Communications -  Correspondence  had been received with reference to a resident’s complaint regarding overgrown hedges on the lay-by and verges which the Clerk had reported on Fix My Street. Further correspondence was received from Heritage Lincolnshire – Clerk to send out map to Councillors again so that they can compile a list of places of interest in the village to add to the heritage map. Info previously circulated to Councillors from Lincolnshire’s Office of Police and Crime Safer Together Team (Newsletter), Safer Together Coordinator, East Lindsey Annual Precept Survey. Regarding LCC Salt bags, Cllr JW reported that there were two salt boxes in the village, one opposite the Packhorse Bridge and one by the wooden village sign on the corner of Church Lane and Main Road. Both had plenty of salt in them. It was unknown who originally had been nominated to distribute the salt on danger spots when icy. 
56 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to move £1,000 from TPOs and green structures reserves to Village Projects to cover the costs for the new trees and planting.
b) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments: Clerk Salary and expenses for October 21 and reimbursement for tree lights purchased £284.36, HM Revenue and Customs Only 120PX00376161 £3.40, Millstone Garden Centre Salix weeping willow supply and plant and 2 x betula jaquamontii supplied and planted £1,072.80, Utterby Village Hall Hire from June to October 2021 £72.00 DW Gibbs Bus Shelters November 21 £20.00 TOTAL £1,452.56
c) It was RESOLVED to receive and approve the Quarterly Monitoring Report – July to September 2021.
d) It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would obtain quotations for grass cutting (village green and amenity verges as a joint quote as per last year), hedge cutting and cutting of the Kissing Gates Way.
e) The draft budget was reviewed and it was RESOLVED that the precept request would be £8843.84 for 2022/23 no increase on 2021/22.
f) It was RESOLVED that the Council would complete a new bank mandate for the HSBC bank account with existing signatories and with the addition of Cllr. Alan Woodward as a signatory as to apply for internet banking, the Chairman of the Council had to be a signatory.
57 Planning 
a) There were no urgent planning issues to consider. 
58 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack – no packs had been given out. 
b) Village Trees –  Three new trees had now been planted.
c) Village Green – Glendale had cut the grass in the last few days on green and verges. Cllr AW reported that the green had become a gathering/meeting point for people with their dogs.
d) Bus Shelters – Cllr AW still to check if any of the bus shelters need any maintenance ie wood stain treatment.
e) Planters – These will be replanted now that the current plants had started to die off.
f) Utterby Voice – Nothing to report.
g) Christmas lights – The quote for installing four sets of lights instead of two had increased by £20 (now £70 instead of £50). The lights would be put up and on by December 1st.
h) Queen’s Jubilee commemoration – an agenda item regarding a dedicated bench on the Village Green to be included on February 2022 agenda. The Clerk reported that some Councils were joining in the celebrations by lighting a beacon and that Utterby might consider if they wanted to purchase a beacon for the Jubilee celebrations. Item to be added to same agenda.
59 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a) Planning - No urgent issues. Cllr AW noted that there seemed to be considerable activity at Benson Court. Cllr Mossop was unaware of any progress there regarding the buildings.
b) Updates on overgrown hedges/bushes along A16 – The Parish Council was now paying a contractor to cut the overhang on the corner of Church Lane and A16 so that the sight of traffic along the A16 would be improved at an approximate cost of £100. Other complaints had been added to Fix My Street but all resulted in either ‘no response’ or a response that it was ‘the landowners responsibility’. It was RESOLVED that Councillors would try to ascertain who owned the land where there were issues. If the landowner could not be tracked locally, then the Clerk to pay the Land Registration fees to find out details.
c) Noise pollution on A16 – no further information forwarded to the Council.
60 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
61 Date and time of Next Meeting 
a) Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday December 1st 2021 at 7pm at the Village Hall. 
The meeting finished at 8:20pm.
Signed ___________________ Date______________________