March 2021 Minutes
Record of Members Present:
Present – Cllr. Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr. Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr. Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr. Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present – Cllr. Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr. John Mackin (JM) and Cllr. Terry Buckley (TB).
In Attendance – Clerk- Maria Vincent, Cllr. E Mossop (ELDC) and five members of the public.
Public Forum
• A resident new to the village raised his concerns regarding the speed of traffic along the main A16 and that the 40mph should be supported and enforced with action as currently traffic sped faster along the road. The subject was discussed and the Chairman outlined the many previous occasions on which we had requested that the speed limit be reconsidered, or that a speed camera be installed. The resident asked if the speed indictors display statistics could be requested. The Clerk explained that this had been requested on many occasions from the Road Safety Partnership and that Cllr Hall (LCC) was also looking into this, but that the Clerk would follow up again request the figures.
• A member of the public brought to the attention of the Council a number of items including: a) That A16 road gutter sweeping has not been undertaken for months and that the constant dirt being thrown up from this covered the hazard markers on the A16 junction with Grange Lane which had not been cleaned by LCC. The resident reported that he and his wife had cleaned the hazard markers themselves three weeks ago, but now needed cleaning again. The Chairman advised the residents that it was a dangerous road and that they should not risk their safety undertaking this. b) Damage being caused by heavy goods vehicles and large vans turning into Grange Lane to access the development site behind Jacob’s Close with damage to the curb and edgings. c) The posts of the main road sign opposite Church Lane were crumbling and needed replacing. The Chairman reported the cost for replacing fixings were expensive, as the parish council had considered this before. Clerk to report items on Fix My Street once photos supplied to alert LCC/ELDC to see if they would replace.
• A resident reported that traffic counters had been booked in to use the Village Hall car park and she would ask who they reported their statistics to.
82. Apologies Received
Cllrs. TB, JM and NM.
83. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
84. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd February 2022 as correct record and the Chairman signed them.
85. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that he had met with the mole man and traps had now been set along the A16 and on the Village Green and signs were up advising of this. Three trees from Treescape had been planted so as to not block any views: One birch tree (along by the other two newly planted birch trees ) and a beech and a birch tree down at the bottom end.
b) Clerk’s Report. Nothing to report not already on the agenda.
c) Consultations – None.
d) Communications - Correspondence had been received and was noted from Wolds Police - Quarterly Briefing – January 2022; The Big Glean Up; GLEAN - An opportunity to end use of green lanes by recreational motor vehicles. Letters regarding speeding traffic on main road (resident spoke at the Public Forum).
86 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments: HM Revenue and Customs Tax for Feb 2022 £3.40, Clerk Salary and expenses for February 22 £208.27, DW Gibbs Bus Shelters March 22 £20.00 TOTAL £231.67
b) It was RESOLVED to accept the Quarterly Monitoring 1st October – 31st December 2021 checked by Cllr. NG in February 2022.
c) The Clerk updated the Council on internet banking application and reported the Clerk now had to be a signatory of the account (since December 2021). It was RESOLVED: To continue with the application for Internet Banking with HSBC. That the Clerk be added to the bank mandate as a signatory along with current signatories, JW, AW, MW and TB. That the Financial Regulations be updated to reflect that the Clerk, even though a signatory, cannot sign cheques or authorise payment. To add the Clerk to the Bank Mandate.
87 Planning
a) Updates –The Clerk reported that the Planning Appeal for the application on Chapel Lane (two houses) had been dismissed. The Chairman reported that he had visited the resident who came to the February meeting regarding the application on Ings Lane.
88 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Queen’s Jubilee -Clerk to look at feasibility /prices for an information board with history of village to be located at the Village Green and report back at April meeting.
b) Welcome Pack – Three new residents, Chairman to visit St James’ Church to pick up some leaflets.
c) Village Trees – The Clerk updated the Council that they had received permission for tree work on the TPOs but the crown lifting was greatly reduced to that requested (which was detailed on the tree survey). The Clerk had instructed Brookdale, undertaking the tree work, that the lifting and pruning to be reduced as per permission granted to the TPO trees and the standard trees.
d) Village Green – Now the traps were laid new mole hills had subsided.
e) Bus Shelters – Nothing to report.
f) Planters – To be refreshed this month (delay due to bad weather).
g) Utterby Voice – Suggested that next edition to have a feature on celebrations in Utterby in 1953 at Queen’s Coronation. Chairman to see if he can find out any information.
89 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a) Urgent Issues – Nothing to report.
90 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
91 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Parish Council meeting on Wednesday April 6th 2022 at 7pm at the Village Hall. The Chairman reminded Councillors that the Annual Parish meeting would be at 6pm on May 4th 2022.
The meeting finished at 8:08pm.
Signed ___________________ Date______________________