July 2021 Minutes
• Two residents were introduced as new neighbours on Grange Lane and the Chairman welcomed them to the village.
• A resident highlighted an issue with a privately owned piece of land which was very overgrown. He was advised unless an environmental issue the Council could neither have it cut or approach the person who was renting the land as pasture for their horse.
• A resident wished to pass on that the Main Road sign legs were in very poor condition. The Chairman advised he was due to look at the situation with the sign next week.
• A resident passed on that another resident had reported (to LCC) a large pot hole at the end of Grange Lane.
• Cllr. Alex Hall (LCC) was pleased that LCC had announced that £10million was going to be invested in the highways in the county.
This meeting was held with social distancing restrictions – each person was 2m apart and unless speaking, was wearing a mask.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW), Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present - Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG).
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, Cllr Alex Hall (LCC) and three members of the public.
22. Apologies Received
Apologies were received from Cllrs Terry Buckley (TB) and Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG)
23. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
24. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd June 2021 as correct record and the Chairman signed them.
25. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a. Chairman’s Remarks. None
b. Clerk’s Report. The woodwork refurbishment had been completed, the notice-board was finished last month with the addition of new Perspex. We now had permission for the tree work to go ahead (the felling of the willow and crowning of the oak tree) this will conclude much of the cost of extra work that was planned in for last year, now much of it paid out of this year’s budgets due to delays. The Clerk requested that the Council consider having a tree survey each year for the trees the Parish Council own/care for she believed that it would save money in the long run, in terms of disease etc.
c. Village Hall Meetings – The Clerk reported we were unable to have a key to access the Village Hall, but that we did not have to stay at the end of meetings until a member of the committee turned up to lock up.
d. Consultations – None.
e. Communications:
i. The Clerk read out the general explanation of a letter regarding Neighbourhood policing.
ii. The Clerk read a letter from Lincolnshire County Council regarding broadband connectivity and notified the Council of a letter of thanks for support from LIVES.
The Clerk read out an email of complaint regarding the lack of visibility of oncoming traffic from the A16 from the junction of Church Lane caused by overgrown trees, and the great concern a terrible accident would occur. A second letter of complaint had also been received and a number of verbal complaints. The overgrown trees (privately owned) were also encroaching on the path making it very difficult to walk or cycle along it. The Clerk explained that we had written to the owner of the property for a few years but little action was taken by the owner to keep the trees trimmed back. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk contact Lincolnshire County Council and request that they take action and cut back the trees on the highway.
iii. The Clerk told the Council she had received the Annual Review of the Lincolnshire Wolds (which had been passed to Councillors by email).
26 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve the payments: Glendale Countryside Ltd, Grass Cutting,w/e 30 April & 21 May 2021 £237.60 and Grass Cutting w/e 11 June 21 £118.80 total £356.40, Clerk, June salary and expenses £192.24, Clerk for Utterby Voice 12 PP (paid online by Clerk) Route1print £121.95, D Gibbs July Bus Shelters £20.00, J Woodward Flowers and peat (B&Q) £22.00, Geoffrey Fitch Noticeboard Refurbishment £250.00 TOTAL £962.59
b) Following a list of 5 quotations it was RESOLVED that the contract to fell the willow and lift the crown of the millennium oak be awarded to Brookdale Tree Surgery at a cost of £335.00 plus VAT.
27 Planning
a) The Clerk advised that an application was showing for the Barn but that we had not yet received formal notification. It was RESOLVED that the Councillors would feedback to the Clerk once ELDC had emailed us and the Clerk comment back to ELDC as we had no meeting in August.
28 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack - Four welcome packs had been given out.
b) Village Trees – The Clerk read out the approval to fell the Willow with the conditions.
c) Village Green – had been an issue with the amount of long grass left on top following cutting, the Clerk had contacted the contractors, but they were unable to ‘collect’ the grass as that machine was in for repair. The cut grass now seemed to have dispersed.
d) Bus Shelters – All fine.
e) Utterby Voice – Arrived on Friday and had received very good feedback. Cllr. MW agreed to deliver down Chapel Lane, the Chairman had/or would deliver to the rest of the village.
29 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a) No urgent issues.
b) Pollution on the A16 –Cllr Hall (LCC) had investigated with LCC Highways and had been told that to date this was only undertaken in town centres.
30 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
31 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Parish Council Annual Meeting on Wednesday September 1st 2021 at 7pm at the Village Hall. There was no meeting in August.
The meeting finished at 7:33pm.
Signed ___________________ Date______________________