2020/21 Minutes May to October 20
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Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held
Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Ann Van Spall (AVS), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present – Glenda Thorndycroft (GT) and Terry Buckley (TB),
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC).
42 Apologies Received
Glenda Thorndycroft (GT) and Terry Buckley (TB)
43 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
None received.
44 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd September 2020 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.
- Council Matters, Actions and Communications
- Chairman's Report – Cllr AW stated that this meeting had important items on the agenda. Since the last meeting he had met with Colin Horton the ELDC Tree Officer (report later).
NB: at this point 6:14pm Cllr AVS left meeting with technical issues returning at 6:18pm.
Further the Chair reported that he had also attended an online meeting ref Benson Court (on agenda) and that the Parish Clerk had joined Cllr JW on a two-hour walk of the entire village to all boundaries as the Clerk often struggled when Councillors were referring to different areas regarding reports/complaints. - Clerk’s Report – Nothing to report that wouldn’t be covered in agenda items.
- LALC Report – The Clerk referred Councillors to the report she had emailed with the meeting’s supporting papers.
Communications – The Clerk reported a number of communications had been received.
- Firstly there had been three emails/letters of complaint regarding the pruning of the Willow tree on the Village Green and that this should not have been cut having had a TPO on it, and no permission being given by ELDC or the Parish Council. This would be covered later in the meeting.
- An email had been received regarding the state of the roads, in particular Church Lane, requesting we ask ELDC road sweeper to clear the smashed conkers. This was considered by Councillors and was RESOLVED that it was not considered any worse than usual, that the rain would soon clear it and no action be taken.
- A request had been received to ask if the Parish Council was interested in nominating a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Co-ordinator as the post was now vacant. As no-one came forward a ‘call out’ would be added to the Utterby Voice.
- An email had been received from the Fotherby CAV (countryside access volunteer) to say he had now relinquished his post.
- An email had been received from LCC to say some refurb work had taken place on the Packhorse Bridge info sign, but another coat of paint would be added.
46 Finance and Budgets
- Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments for October: Woodward Peat and plants £42.48; David Buckley hedge and tree cutting £150; Staff Salary and expenses for September 2020 £240.76;Glendale Countryside Ltd Verge and grass we £230.40; DW Gibbs October bus shelter cleaning £20.00 TOTAL £683.64
- Finance Report
The Clerk Reported: Our spend to date, not including October’s payments is £2,411.60 – last year at this time it was £3,046.61. Bearing in mind our precept was £8843.84, we now have over twice the budget of the current precept in our account and this is a concern.
I estimate that spending on items that we have to pay until the end of March 2021 will be:
Salaries £1200, Verges and Village Green Grass Cutting (through to end Oct then in mid March) £500, Hedges £80, Bus Shelters £100 - Estimated total Oct-end March = £1880 plus Utterby Voice print cost (unknown but likely to be £100).
Expected expenditure £1980.00
October payments £683.64
Current spend to date £2,411.60
TOTAL Spend (estimate) £ 5075.24
This decrease to date in spending is due to the lack of expenditure on the village hall hire rate and also because we have not spent much on the village Tidy Up - all due to COVID. I have asked LALC for advice regarding the 2021/22 precept and if they are expecting any requests for 0% increases by District Councils due to government spending on COVID. NB: Quarterly monitoring check to be carried out by Cllr AW the following day.
- Consideration of budget and precept implications for 2021/22
Councillors discussed the issues of not having spent the budgets this year on the likes of signage, village hall hire, and the Tidy Up mainly due to the Covid Crisis and lockdown. The considered the implications looking at either increasing, decreasing or keeping the precept for next year at 0% increase. They discussed projects that could be considered still for this year, ie tree care and seating for the village green. Clerk to put together a sample budget for each variable (increase, decrease and 0). Cllr Edward Mossop to ask ELDC for guidance on precept caps for 2021/22.
47 Planning
- Updates to previous planning applications – The Clerk reported that the Methodist Chapel application had been approved. She confirmed we had still heard nothing regarding communications to ELDC ref Templeton. Cllr Edward Mossop to ask Planning for progress.
- Any urgent planning issues - None
48 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
- Welcome Pack – No new residents.
- Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – The Clerk reported that the previous contractor for planting daffodils was no longer willing to undertake this due to the danger of working on the A16. Clerk to ask DB. The Clerk also reported that Mole Man had placed traps on the Village Green but that many had been ‘taken’. He would re-bait the ones on verges the following day.
- Verges– Mole Man to re-bait the traps on verges the following day.
- Village Green and e) Village Trees – Cllr AW explained that he met with Colin Horton, ELDC Tree Officer (Cllr JW took notes). Cllr AVS asked why all Councillors had not been invited and that they all should have been invited. Cllr AW stressed it had been a fact finding exercise to review the trees in the village which Mr Horton had kindly agreed to do without charge to the Parish Council. The Clerk explained that Cllr JW had gone purely to take notes. See Appendix 1 for report. Cllr AVS was disappointed that ivy on trees had not been considered in the report. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would put out for quotations for the tree-work raised in the report and also received quotes for new trees (decent size) and two seats to be placed on the Village Green. Further to the issue with the cutting of the Willow tree, as the Tree Officer had stated, no work should have been done on this as a TPO and it is protected, only the Parish Council contractor should undertake work on it following a TPO application.
Cllr JM was concerned with some of the hanging branches of trees on the pathway. Clerk to ascertain location of these trees and also to write to owner of trees that block visual on junction of Church Lane and A16.
- Village Trees – see above
- Kissing Gates – It was RESOLVED to get quotes for renewing/refurbishing the Kissing Gates onto Church Lane.
- Millennium Seat – It was RESOLVED to get quotes for renewing/refurbishing the Millennium Seat which was in very poor repair.
- Utterby Voice – It was RESOLVED to delay the production until January 2021 so that photos of Christmas events could be included.
- Bus Shelters – In good order.
- Notice Board – It was RESOLVED to receive quotes to refurbish the notice board including new Perspex.
49 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
- Updates on previous issues – Following no replies from the owner of the fishing lakes land or LCC regarding the dog bin which was overflowing, Cllr Edward Mossop agreed to take a look and see if he could track down the ownership of it.
- Packhorse Bridge – some refurb work had taken place on the Packhorse Bridge info sign, but another coat of paint would be added.
- Speed Signs in Village – the Clerk reported that she had again followed up on the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership RADAR signs – one not working (Louth end) and one intermittent (Grimsby end), that she had reported in July 2019, but had been told to now report it on Fix My Street. Further the Clerk suggested that it may be that the Parish Council consider getting their own Speed Radar Sign if the current one could not be mended, and suggested the type that were solar and where stats could be accessed from online cloud accounts. This system would allow the Parish Council to report more fully on speeding along the A16.
- Benson Court – Cllr AW reported to Councillors that a meeting had taken place between Platform Housing Group, Cllr E Mossop (ELDC) and himself (Chair of UPC) and a number of other ELDC representatives. Cllr Mossop reported on the meeting. That of the 21 units, 9 were empty and occupants did not have connections with the village as originally when those releasing farm cottages etc, would move there. Platform Housing said that there was low demand for these units and they would be speaking with the current residents to gauge their feedback as to staying in the units or moving. There would be a survey going out to all residents of Utterby and that the Parish Council could help in the distribution of this before any decisions were made.
50 Notifications
- None.
51 Date and time of Next Meeting
- Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday November 4th 2020 – time and meeting type to be confirmed nearer the time.
The meeting finished at 7:18pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________
Appendix 1
Chairman of Utterby PC meeting with Tree Officer September 2020
I met with the ELDC Tree Officer Colin Horton for an information review of the trees in the village with particular reference to trees on the Village Green and down Church Lane.
It is worth mentioning that the map of the TPOs and numbering of the numbers of trees has no bearing on the map and work done by the previous tree surgeon and the work they did after the survey. They do not tally.
- Mr Horton was not concerned with the condition of any of the trees in Church Lane except for an overhanging branch in the garden of the 3rd house down on the left from A16.
- We could as a Council ask the owner to remove the offending branch or we could pay to have it removed with their permission. We can discuss this as a council.
- Enquiries were made as to who owned certain trees in Church Lane, house owners or highways, and who would be responsible should any work be needed or damage be caused. A map could be acquired by paying £3 to Land Registry (NB this only covers one property at a time). We could address any queries with trees and boundaries by asking ELDC.
- The Millennium Oak can have a few branches trimmed to allow access to the seat underneath.
- Trees were inspected on the Village Sign site and Mr Horton suggested that a number of stakes should be put around the small tree to protect the bark from mowers.
- Trees were inspected on the Village Green. The Willow tree should not have been trimmed without permission, it has a TPO on it. He recommends quite major work in order to preserve it for the next 10 years. It does NOT need to be felled.
- All trees, except for the Willow and the Ash, were considered to be in good condition. The Ash tree has the beginning of Ash Die Back.
- He suggested planting two trees where we have lost three trees on the Village Green/A16 in addition to any other trees we decide to plant.
- The small trees are doing well, he suggested cutting a branch off a small tree in order for the main branch to thicken and encourage foliage. These small trees would also benefit from stakes around them to prevent mower damage.
- The tree behind the village hall which is causing concern for the village hall committee was deemed to be healthy and the work already done should not impact on the tree as it stands. If it were to fall, it would fall in the field.
It was a valuable and worthwhile meeting and cost the Parish Council nothing.
Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held
Wednesday 2nd Sept 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Ann Van Spall (AVS), Glenda Thorndycroft (GT) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Terry Buckley (TB),
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent.
32 Apologies Received
Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM)
33 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
None received.
34 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 1st July 2020 as correct (having previously changed Queen’s Close to Church Lane on draft minutes – item 25a) and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.
- Council Matters, Actions and Communications
- Chairman's Report – Cllr AW reported he had been involved with a number of issues over the past two months including the dog bin near the footpath on the Utterby Pond land and offensive sign (which had now been removed from that position). He reported the Traffic Refuge had now been repaired. He had received a complaint about the Benson Court hedge overhanging. He continued that he was pleased it looked like Grange Lane’s flooding/drainage issue had been addressed by Lincolnshire County Council. The mole issue on the Village Green was still ongoing. He had trimmed some trees on the Village Green, and it was noted that the Oak tree near to the village sign needed a branch removing. Further he reported on the meeting with ELDC, Cllr JW and Cllr GT regarding community fruit trees, but concluded that this type of tree was not suitable for the village green.
- Clerk’s Report – The Clerk reported that Glendale had only cut the verges and village green grass once per month in July and August and assumed this was due to the hot weather and the grass not growing. The Clerk had now sent a pro-forma invoice to LCC for the verge cutting for £783.62.
She reported that she had written to Mr D Grantham regarding the overgrown pasture on Queen’s Close and the bin on the fishing lakes land to request that these were maintained, but had not received a reply although the pasture had been cut.
Also reported was the email written to Ryan Dodds and Paul Edwards at ELDC (7th July 2020) regarding the Templeton Planning Permission. Cllr Mossop was led to believe that a draft letter had been sent to Paul Edwards to view, but to date, we had received no reply to our email.
Utterby Parish Council had been notified that the issue with flooding at the top of Grange Lane had now been rectified.
The new NJC Pay Scale increases had now been confirmed and the Clerk requested this be taken into consideration in September’s salary backdated to April. There had also been an increase of 1 day holiday per year (so 22 days holiday pro rata). This would change the Clerk’s rate of pay per hour from £10:16 to £10:44. An annual increase of £53.76 per year and an increase of holiday from 20.5 hours per year to 21.4 hours per year.
- Election of Vice Chair of Utterby Parish Council – Following a proposer and a seconder, Cllr Ann Van Spall was elected Vice Chair of Utterby Parish Council.
- Consultations to consider - Councillors were directed to the following link to reply independently on the Lincs Wolds consultation https://snaps.lincolnshire.gov.uk/snapwebhost/s.asp?k=159730881282
- Communications – A letter of thanks was read out from St Andrew’s Church (ref grant). An email, asking for support, was received from powerforthepeople.org – it was RESOLVED to take no action. The Clerk reported an email had been received regarding overgrown pasture to the back of Queen’s Close (which had now been cut).
- The Clerk reported that the L01-20 | THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND POLICE AND CRIME PANELS (CORONAVIRUS) update suggested, very strongly, that Parish Council meetings should continue, where possible, on internet platforms such as Zoom.
36 Finance and Budgets
- Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments for July: Staff - salary/expenses July 2020 and August 2020 - £368.32, Glendale Countryside Ltd - w/e 24/7 and w/e 14/8- £230.40, DW Gibbs - August and September bus shelter cleaning- £40.00 TOTAL £638.72
- Next Year’s Budget - It was noted that we would need to consider carefully spending budgets for projects before the end of the financial year as little had been spent to date this year.
37 Planning
- Updates to previous planning applications – The Clerk reported that there had been no updates.
- Correspondence to the Planning Dept, ELDC – The Clerk reported that no reply had been received following the letter to the Planning Officer at ELDC (7th July) even though Cllr Mossop (ELDC) had followed this up. Clerk to follow up with Cllr Mossop.
- Planning Permission to consider N/192/01309/20 - UTTERBY METHODIST CHURCH, CHAPEL LANE – It was RESOLVED to support this application.
- Any urgent planning issues - None
38 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
- Welcome Pack – No new residents.
- Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – It was RESOLVED to give a budget of £300 to spend on daffodil bulbs and the planting of these into the verges. Clerk to contact previous contractor for a cost for planting.
- Verges and Village Green – It was generally agreed that the grass on the Village Green was looking very good. Moles are still an issue. CP working on these still. Verges looking good.
- Village Green Seating and Trees – Following a long discussion it was RESOLVED that the Village Green might have some new trees planted and that the Weeping Willow might need cutting down due to disease, but the Clerk to contact ELDC Tree Officer, Colin Horton and ask him to visit and assess the trees in the village (consultation up to a cost of £300 agreed). It was discussed that the Parish Council should have a contractor on an annual basis looking after the welfare of the Parish Council’s trees as damage to these during the storms and winter could be a costly issue. The subject of seating on the Village Green was also discussed with a suggestion that some memorial benches might be installed.
- Trees – see above
- Utterby Voice, December – The Clerk reported that the information for this would be required by the beginning of November at the very latest. Cllr AW to research info including obituaries, local trades, businesses and village history. The Clerk reported that as only two issues would be produced each year, there would not be an impact on the budget even though the brochures would be larger (A4).
- Bus Shelters – Shelters are clean and looking in very good order.
- New Website – It was RESOLVED to authorise the new website be made live (subject to LCC).
39 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
- Grange Lane – Following reporting the Grange Lane flooding on Fix My Street, the Clerk had received notification that work had been done.
- Bin near A16 – This had been reported on Fix My Street and to DG to ascertain who owned it. To date, no reply from either.
- Benson Court – Cllr AW reported that a meeting had been set up between Platform Housing Group, Cllr E Mossop (ELDC) and himself (Chair of UPC) which would be held online next week. He was unsure what the meeting would cover but would report back at the next meeting.
- Clerk to follow up the cleaning of the Packhorse Bridge sign and still not undertaken.
40 Notifications
- Electricity item reported here as left off communications (see item 35e).
41 Date and time of Next Meeting
- Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday October 7th 2020 – time and meeting type to be confirmed nearer the time.
The meeting finished at 7:18pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________
Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held
Wednesday 1st July 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom
- Cllr Edward Mossop updated the Parish Council on the work he had undertaken as a Member of ELDC, including a briefing of the new strategic alliance between ELDC and Boston Borough Council and the planning application for over 100 houses in the Fulstow Ward.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Ann Van Spall (AVS), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM), Terry Buckley (TB), Glenda Thorndycroft (GT) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).}
Not Present – None.
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop.
22 Apologies Received
23 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
None received.
24 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 3rd June 2020 as correct (adding the missing word ‘Tidy’ in 18b), and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.
25 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a)Chairman's Report – Cllr AW reported he had been a reluctant Chairman when he took on the post, but had thoroughly enjoyed the last 15 months and the cohesion as a Council that had been created. Cllr AW continued that a few items of procedure had drifted since lockdown and that it would be appreciated for this to be tightened up, that any requests or complaints go through the Chairman, unless general LCC potholes, flooding complaints that were reported through the Fix My Street website system. With regards to the request to write to the owner of the field at the back of the Church Lane, he thought that until it was felt that the grass was extremely long, that we should delay in complaining.
Clerk’s Report – Nothing to report.
b)Consultations - None to report.
c)It was RESOLVED to sign the petition from East Lincolnshire Railway.
26 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments for June: Staff £187.76 - DW Gibbs £20.00 - David Buckley £180.00 - Glendale Countryside Ltd £230.40 TOTAL £618.16
b) It was noted that as there was no August meeting, contractors and staff would receive payment for August in September 2020.
c) It was noted that Cllr AW would carry out the Quarterly Monitoring when the minutes were taken to sign.
27 Planning
a) N/192/00716/20 TEMPLETON It was RESOLVED to write to the planning officer Ryan Dodd to state that the Parish Council wished to be given further details on the criteria used for the permission given to this retrospective planning application, and to also write to Building Control to flag up their concern with the electric cables running along the exterior of the building.
b) It was agreed if any important planning applications came in which it was felt the Parish Council needed to discuss (as the council does not meeting in August), that a extra-ordinary meeting would be called.
28 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
- Welcome Pack – It was reported that three packs had been delivered to new residents, all who were of the younger generation.
- Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Nothing to report and until the Covid Crisis is over, no real work can begin.
- Verges and Village Green - There had been two cuts in early and mid June and a late June cut (for July) earlier in the week. Cllr GT reported that the grass on the green was now starting to flatten out and look much better.
d)Village Green Seating –Cllr JW confirmed that the Parish Council did own the deeds for the Village Green. Cllr JM stated that the Village Green was not such a central point in the village due to the main road splitting the village in two. Cllr GT raised concerns re: fruit trees due to the constant pruning required. Cllr JW suggested that far more people had been out and about during the lockdown, and so seating would be a bonus. Cllr AW said that the seating in the Church Yard was used regularly. Cllr TB suggested some play-park equipment could be installed. The Clerk did comment that this would involve a lot of work with health and safety and regular weekly checks, and could attract vandalism. The Clerk did confirm that if seating was added, costs for mowing would slightly increase due to strimming around them.
Following discussion on the trees and benches, it was agreed that all Councillors would come back in September with ideas (if wanted at all) for seating/ landscaping/ trees etc so that they may be considered and then, if agreed, the Village Green could be put to more/better use.
- Bus Shelters – Shelters are clean and looking in very good order. Next spring we have enough paint still (given by B&Q) to give them another coat.
29 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
a)Grange Lane – Following reporting the Grange Lane flooding on Fix My Street, the Clerk had received notification that work had been scheduled.
30 Notifications
31 Date and time of Next Meeting
a)Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday September 2nd – time and meeting type to be confirmed nearer the time.
The meeting finished at 7:07pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________
Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held Wednesday 3rd June 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom
- Cllr Edward Mossop updated the Parish Council on the work he had undertaken as a Member of ELDC during May 2020. Once he had given his report he left the meeting.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Ann Van Spall (AVS), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present - Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Glenda Thorndycroft (GT)
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent
12 Apologies Received
Apologies were received from Cllr Terry Buckley (TB) and Glenda Thorndycroft (GT) and these were accepted.
13 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
None received.
14 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve as correct the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting 6th May 2020 as correct.
15 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
- Chairman's Report – The Village Green grass, though cut, will improve as the cutting season progresses. The hedge on the Village Green has also been cut and the area around the Kissing Gate has been cleared of overgrowth. The area here is still very soft and it might still flood again. The bus shelters have been cleaned and the planters emptied, ready for refilling.
- Clerk’s Report – Nothing to report.
- Consultations - None to report.
- It was RESOLVED not to take any action with regards to the letter from Marie Curie requesting donations.
16 Finance and Budgets
- It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments for June below:
- Staff salary/expenses May 2020 £202.57
- DW Gibbs June bus shelter cleaning £20.00
- LALC Zoom annual subscription £78.40
- SLCC Membership - Clerk £78.00
- Glendale Countryside Ltd May cuts £230.40
TOTAL £609.37
17 Planning
N/192/00716/20 TEMPLETON It was RESOLVED to object to this planning application with the following reasons:
The Council had very strong concerns that the brick and block built shed which has already been erected (this is a retrospective planning permission application) is taller than the regulations allow for a shed built within a 2m boundary of another property.
The Council were extremely concerned of the overshadowing and loss of outlook, the layout and density of the building and visual appearance with regards to the neighbouring property at East Wold.
Furthermore, the Council would like to highlight possible issues with health and safety with regards to electric cables running outside of the shed building.
18 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
- Welcome Pack – It was reported that a new resident had moved in along the Main Road.
- Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Nothing to report further to the plant troughs now need refilling.
- Verges and Village Green – This had two cuts in May. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should look into the costs of having seating and a small landscaped area created on the Village Green.
- Bus Shelters – Cleaned in June, looking in very good order.
- Utterby Voice – Produced and now circulated via email, on the website and on Facebook. Next edition is not until December 2020.
19 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
- Community Orchard Scheme – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would reply to ELDC regarding the possibility of a community orchard scheme expressing their interest (an area on the Village Green could being considered for this).
20 Notifications
- Nothing to report.
21 Date and time of Next Meeting
- Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday July 1st 6pm using the Zoom Platform.
The meeting finished at 7:05pm.
Minutes of the Annual meeting of Utterby Parish Council held Wednesday 6th May 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom
1 Elections
It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Alan Woodward as the Chairman of Utterby Parish Council.
It was RESOLVED to elect Cllr Ann Van Spall as Vice Chairman of Utterby Parish Council.
- Cllr Edward Mossop updated the Parish Council on the work he had been undertaking as a Member of ELDC since the country had gone into lockdown in March 2020.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Glenda Thorndycroft (GT), Cllr Ann Van Spall and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present - Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM)
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop
2 Apologies Received
Apologies were received from Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) via Cllr JW as they had been unable to connect to Zoom through the internet and these were accepted.
3 To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
4 Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve as correct the minutes of the meetings 4th March 2020 as correct following the change of the word March to April under item 120 c iv.
5 Council Matters, Actions and Communications
- It was RESOLVED to accept and approve the list of emergency resolutions sent to Councillors on the initial outbreak of Coronavirus on 18th March 2020.
- It was RESOLVED to accept the revised list of remote meeting dates for 2020/21 to be held at now at 6pm.
- It was RESOLVED to accept the Assets Register dated end March 2020.
- It was RESOLVED to re-elect the members of the Personnel Panel with the members Cllrs JW, TB and GT using the same terms of reference as the Panel had in 2019.
- Chairman's Report - The dwelling has been demolished in Church Lane and building work has begun on at the Manor House in Church Lane. There have been complaints from residents about the untidy state of a couple of houses both up for sale with Compass Estate Agents. I am not sure if there will be a June edition of The Utterby Voice, perhaps just a short version online? The new road markings on A16 are extremely welcome. I understand the Parish Council contract grass cutting should resume shortly. I noted that Benson Court grass has been cut. Planters at the end of the lanes are now in need of attention / replanting. I have received no other contacts/messages from Utterby residents. I would like to suggest when we are able to meet in person again, that we ask to have a walk-around in the village with the Platform Housing Group in relation to Benson Court.
- Clerk’s Report - All planning enforcement (unless very urgent) is on hold as staff have been moved to different sections to help deal with the Coronavirus issues. I did receive an enquiry ref a telephone mast in the village and 5g from Cllr Buckley, and that was one where I managed to find a person at ELDC who was very helpful with regards to information. LALC are only invoicing us for membership this year and not for training as we did not use this last year. If training is required we can take this out or attend on a PAYG basis. The websites for parish councils all came to a grinding halt and so I cannot report when we will have a new website either.
- It was RESOLVED not to take any actions currently in Utterby with regards to the Coronavirus Crisis.
- The Clerk asked Councillors to note that newly completed DPI forms were required from them for 2020/21 to send to ELDC.
- It was RESOLVED to accept revisions to Standing Orders - 3f The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting in accordance with standing order 3(e) shall not exceed 15 (5 for remote meetings) minutes unless directed by the chairman of the meeting. 3g Subject to standing order 3(f), a member of the public shall not speak for more than 5 minutes (1 minute for remote meetings).
- It was RESOLVED to accept a revision to Financial Regulations - Item 4 BUDGETARY CONTROL AND AUTHORITY TO SPEND Expenditure on revenue items may be authorised up to the amounts included for that class of expenditure in the approved budget. This authority is to be determined by:
• the council for all items over £500; (changed from £250)
• the Clerk, in conjunction with Chairman of Council or one other Member, for any items below £500. (changed from £250) Item 10h – Contracts - When it is to enter into a contract of less than £25,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk or RFO shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is below £3,000 and above £250 (changed from £100) the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates. Otherwise, Regulation 9.3 above shall apply.
- It was RESOLVED to approve the Code of Conduct (no changes made).
- It was RESOLVED to approve the Risk Management Document (no changes made).
- It was RESOLVED to approve the Council Information Document (no changes made).
- It was RESOLVED to approve the Model Publication Scheme FOI (no changes made).
- It was RESOLVED to approve following policies (no changes). Risk Management Strategy, Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Environmental Policy, Complaints Procedure, Health & Safety Policy. The Grants Policy was no longer relevant.
- An AGE-UK consultation had been received. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should deal with this if required.
- No correspondence received.
6 Finance and Budgets
- It was RESOLVED to accept the Finance Report (Appendix 1) for 2019/20.
- It was RESOLVED to accept the updated 2020/21 budgets (Appedix 2).
- It was RESOLVED to agree to buy Zoom using LALC’s discounted rate if available, and if not available to go ahead with purchasing.
- i It was RESOLVED to ratify payments made under the emergency resolutions of:
Staff Salary and expenses March 2020 100388 £215.05
St Andrews Utterby DCC Grant 4-3-20 minute 121b 100389 £150.00
Utterby Village Hall Grant 4-3-20 minute 121b 100390 £150.00
Utterby Village Hall Hall Hire Feb and March 20 100391 £36.00
ii It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments for May below:
Staff salary/expenses April 2020 100392 £243.80
DW Gibbs May bus shelter cleaning 100393 £20.00
LALC Membership 100394 £85.50
Norris & Fisher Insurance Brokers Ltd 100395 £ 259.29
- The Chairman noted the Auditors report and it was RESOLVED to complete the AGAR forms, and for the Chairman and Clerk to sign them, then for the Clerk to submit to PK Littlejohns.
- The Clerk confirmed that due to the Lockdown we would not be moving ahead with moving the Bank Account to a different provider.
7 Planning
- It was RESOLVED to confirm the support for the TPO application 0029/20/TPA Georgian House (via email).
- The Clerk confirmed that there was little information regarding the enforcement enquiries from the March meeting as enforcement staff were only dealing with very urgent cases.
- The Clerk reported that she had seen that the planning application for Templeton had now been made but that Utterby Parish Council had yet to be officially contacted, and that no documents were currently available on the planning portal.
8 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
- Welcome Pack. Nothing to report.
- Utterby Up Campaign – Nothing to report further to the plant troughs needing attention.
- Verges and Village Green – The Clerk reported that the contractors were due to be getting back to work soon.
- Bus Shelters – Mr Gibbs had now started back to work.
- Utterby Voice – Cllr AW would send some articles and we would produce a 2-page newsletter which could be circulated by email and added to the website /Facebook page.
9 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc
- Nothing to report
10 Notifications
- Nothing to report.
11 Date and time of Next Meeting
- Parish Council Annual Meeting on Wednesday June 3rd 6pm using the Zoom Platform.
The meeting finished at 6:40pm.