2020/21 Minutes November 20 to April 21

Click here to go to the May To October 2020 meeting minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                               

Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 7.00pm – held remotely with Zoom


Record of Members Present:

       Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

NB: Cllr Terry Buckley arrived at 7:12pm

Not Present –None

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC).



92   Apologies Received

93   To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

       Cllr NG. NM and JM – item 6a as live on Jacob’s Close.


94   Minutes

a)It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 3rd March 2021 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.

b)It was RESOLVED to approve the record of notes from the Personnel Panel 3rd July 2019 as minutes though only 2 members of the Panel (now disbanded) are still on the Council.

95   Council Matters, Actions and Communications

a)Chairman's Report – The Chairman reported that the refuge was damaged further and should be reported to Lincolnshire County Council. (Clerk reported in the week). He reported that he had spoken to the owner of the ice cream vans parked on Church Lane, and hoped that the issue with the vans would be eased in due course. He also reported that planters had now been refreshed and litter picking resources had now been received should any people in the village wish to borrow them, though he did stress that there were very strict guidelines on safety for those using it. Clerk to post on FB.

b)Clerk’s Report – The Clerk reported that everything was a little uncertain at the moment with regards to how meetings will be held before village halls open and social distancing can be relaxed.

She reported that the Council’s folders all went to the internal auditor. The Cabinet Office had emailed regarding the website and that they were happy with the steps undertaken with the website to increase accessibility and took on board that LCC manage the platform. They would close the case.

She reported that she was signing up for the ILCA Course (which SLCC organise) at a cost of £120 + VAT. Following this report the Council RESOLVED that they would pay for the cost of the ILCA course for the Clerk.

c)Communications – None

d)Legislation regarding Zoom Meetings The Clerk explained the legislation regarding remote meetings and the requirement not to hold an Annual Parish Meeting had not extended beyond May 7th 2021. It was RESOLVED that meetings would continue from June face to face.

e)Annual Parish Meeting -  It was RESOLVED that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Zoom before the Annual Parish Council Meeting on May 5th at 6:30pm as the Council would be unable to invite members of the public to meet face to face with the current social distancing in place. The Clerk to invite the Academy, Village Hall and Church DCC and to organise print outs of invite/agenda. Cllr. JM offered to post invites to all households.

f)Appoint Councillor to oversee the cover for insurance as per risk assessment– It was RESOLVED that Cllr NG would oversee the quotes for the insurance policy.

g)Quarterly Monitoring – it was RESOLVED that Cllr NG would carry out the Quarterly Monitoring for the next 12 months.

h)Policies – It was RESOLVED to approve the updated policies and document as reviewed

i.          Council information document.

ii.         Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme

iii.        Risk Management Strategy.

iv.         Risk Management Document.

v.          Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy.

vi.         Equal Opportunities Policy.

vii.        Environmental Policy.

viii.       Health & Safety Policy.

96      Finance and Budgets

a)   Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payments:

2020/21 Budget              

Staff, Salary and expenses for March 2021 £203.94 , Geoffrey E Fitch Kissing gate £400.00  

Geoffrey E Fitch Millennium Bench £650.00, Jackie Woodward, envelopes, plants and peat for planters  £79.90 (added to schedule during meeting), April 2021/22 budget, LALC Membership 2021 £84.18, DW Gibbs April 2020 bus shelter cleaning £20.00, SLCC ENTERPRISES LTD ILCA course  £144.00 (as resolved in minute 95b).

TOTAL      £1,582.02

b)Finance Report - The Clerk reported (figures below did not take into account cost of plants and envelopes receipt presented at meeting).

Sadly some of the work which we hoped to undertake during the 2020/21 Financial Year never went ahead and so:

Spend to date                                                        £5,754.39

20/21 payments making today                             £1,253.94

Expected payment to make                                  £   115.20


Current balance of budget remaining =               £5,951.61

Less payments + expected payments                   £1,369.14

Expected remaining 20/21 budget                       £4,582.47

Plus current Reserves                                           £8,039.99

Expected Total Remaining                                  £12,622.46

Plus Income

VAT Refund (April 24th 2020)                                                                                           £215.70

LCC contribution to verge cutting (7th Sept 2020)                                                           £783.62

Expected total balance in bank end 20/21 year           £13,621.78

Less current reserves                                                       £   8039.99

Current remaining to be transferred to reserves         £ 5,581.79

Current Reserves

TPOs and Green Structures



Reserve for Asset Replacement



Reserve for Elections



Contingency reserves in bank as of 1st April 2020




It was RESOLVED that the balance in the 2020/21 budget would go to the following Reserves,

£2,000 to TPOs and Green Structure
£2,000 to Reserve for Asset Replacement
£1,000 to Reserve for Elections
581.79 (or surplus) to Contingency


It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk would roll over the outstanding time worked in 2020/21 and then if she had not been able to take the time back by the end of August, to claim it in her salary then.


97   Planning

a)Update on Building Plots adjacent to Jacob’s Close – It was             RESOLVED that due to lorries now trying to access the plots via Jacob’s Close (when the planning permission restricts them to access via Grange Lane) that:

i.Cllr AW would phone the original applicant of the planning permission to ask if the barrier could be put back and that the gate opened on Grange Lane.

ii.That the Council would produce a number of signs to stop lorries and services accessing the 5 building plots via Jacob’s Close as this was becoming a real issue.

iii.That the Clerk would contact Platform Housing to ask if the Council could put a sign on their land near the A16 as concern was that lorries would try to turn around on Benson Court.

iv.That the Clerk would send a letter to Mason’s Lettings to request they write to all land purchases to reiterate that access must be via Grange Lane.

v.That the Clerk would contact Planning Enforcement to see if any further progress had been made with the enforcement of conditions.


Cllr Edward Mossop said he would also see what information he could find out from Planning Enforcement.

b)Any Urgent Planning issues –None.

98   Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

a)Welcome Pack – Cllr AW reported he had run out of leaflets so only Utterby Voices could be given out.

b)Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Planters now replanted. It was RESOLVED that up to £100 be spent on a new planter and plants for under the sign on the Main Road.

c)Verges and Village Green– The Clerk to enquire if any dog fouling signs are available to us from ELDC due to the increase on fouling in the verges.

d)Village Trees - The Clerk was still waiting for contact from the Tree Company even though she had tried to make contact several times. The Clerk confirmed the Willow Tree had been on the tree work schedule.

e)Utterby Voice –there would be a section in the June Utterby Voice listing businesses in Utterby, and also some historical content. Dog fouling issue to be highlighted in UV also.

f)Bus Shelters – In good order.

g)Wood Maintenance Schedule - The Clerk reported that the contractor had now completed the Oak bench and Kissing Gate. Cllr JW reported someone had already broken a leg on it and the contactor had gone back to mend it.

99   ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc

a)Updates on Bin off A16 – It was reported the bin on private land off the A16 was still having dog poo bags put around the base. It was RESOLVED to write to ELDC once more and then if they confirm that it is not their bin to write to the landowner and say that the Parish Council will remove the bin as a health hazard.

b)Traffic Refuge – The Clerk had reported this damaged a few days earlier.


100 Notifications



101 Date and time of Next Meeting

a)Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Wednesday May 5th 2021 – on Zoom at 6:30pm

b)Annual Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday May 5th 2021 – on Zoom at 7pm



The meeting finished at 8:58pm.



Signed ___________________                                              Date________________________



Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 7.00pm – held remotely with Zoom

Record of Members Present:

       Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

NB: Cllr Terry Buckley arrived at 7:22pm

Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM)

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and one member of the public.


       Public Forum

       A resident of the village asked if any celebration had been thought about for when the pandemic eased. It was thought that at the moment it was too early to suggest anything and that people would still be hesitant regarding mixing at social events. It was noted that the Church was looking at starting their Saturday Cafe at the Village Hall much later in the year (July). The resident also asked about the Village Tidy Up and mentioned there were rubbish sacks from ELDC in the village hall. The Clerk took contact details of the residents contact at ELDC as the Parish Council was in discussion with ELDC regarding litter picking.

82   Apologies Received
Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM).

83   To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

       Cllr NG and MW – item 6a and 6b as live on Chapel Lane. It was RESOLVED to give both Councillors (following their request) a dispensation to speak on these two agenda items, but not to vote.


84   Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2021 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.

85   Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman's Report – No report given.
  2. Clerk’s Report – The Clerk drew the Council’s attention to the tabled list of actions taken since the last meeting. No further report.
  3. Communications – The Clerk had received a number of pieces of correspondence including that from the Safer Together Team, Environment Agency Routine (Maintenance factsheet) and Appletree Yard which had been copied to Councillors. Councillors also received a copy of a photo with a number of ice-cream vans parked on a bend on Church Lane. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would enquire as to the legality of numbers of commercial vehicles parking on the highway.
  4.  It was RESOLVED that as the Personnel Panel had only met the once over 18 months ago, and now only two Councillors on that Panel were still on the Council, that the Panel should be dissolved at this time (being reformed if required in the future).
  5. The Clerk explained that it was thought that the legislation regarding remote meetings and the requirement not to hold an Annual Parish Meeting would soon come to an end and not extended. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would update the Council on any developments regarding remote meetings when available and that the Annual Parish Meeting be put on the April agenda.


86      Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED that the Council would not join the LALC Annual Training Scheme this year and to pay for any course required at the time.
  2. It was RESOLVED to subscribe again to Zoom via LALC should the legislation for virtual meetings continue.
  3. It was RESOLVED to accept the Quarterly Monitoring Oct-end Dec 2020 signed by the Chairman who carried out the check.
  4. Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payment for March 2021.

DW Gibbs - March 2021 bus shelter cleaning - £20, Staff - Salary and expenses for February 2021 £203.16, Utterby Village Hall - Storage Jan-March 21 £15.00. TOTAL £238.16

Bank Balance as of 18th February 2021 Bank Statement 80 £15,329.08 outstanding cheques 100527 £100.00 Actual funds available £15,229.08


87   Planning

  1. Planning applications –N/192/00231/21 | Outline erection of 2no. dwellings. | LAND OFF CHAPEL LANE, CHAPEL LANE, UTTERBY It was RESOLVED to object to this outline planning permission on the following grounds:

    •     Loss of ecological habitats.
    •    Loss of trees.
    •    New intended footpath and passing places will create further flooding on Chapel Lane due to inadequacy of drainage and bottle necks due to vehicles parking on the lane.
    •    Access and highway safety onto main A16 an issue due to poor visibility. Very narrow junction.
    •    Traffic generation of a one-vehicle lane creating further issues for damage to the fabric of the lane and there is no ‘turn around’ for construction traffic down the lane.
    •    Flood risk to intended property and neighbouring properties as previously the field had a large natural pond. The area is prone to flooding.
    •    Although not outside of the current village footprint, it is extending housing developments down that side of the lane where currently there are no developments.
    Please note: There is already a new development estate due to be built the other side of Jacob’s Close which has to access the site via Grange Lane on the traffic management scheme put in place. Access via Chapel Lane for construction traffic has already been deemed unsuitable for that development so this should be the case for this outline application also.
    Once the current development the other side of Jacob’s Close is complete, there will be 5 new residents’ vehicles and service providers using Chapel Lane, a massive increase in vehicle accessibility which would be further compounded by the 2 more proposed properties.

Please note: There is already a new development estate due to be built the other side of Jacob’s Close which has to access the site via Grange Lane on the traffic management scheme put in place. Access via Chapel Lane for construction traffic has already been deemed unsuitable for that development so this should be the case for this outline application also.

Once the current development the other side of Jacob’s Close is complete, there will be 5 new residents’ vehicles and service providers using Chapel Lane, a massive increase in vehicle accessibility which would be further compounded by the 2 more proposed properties.

  1. Jacob’s Close building development – removal of barrier: It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to the applicant of the original planning permission and ask them to re-erect the barrier to prevent construction lorries using Jacob’s Close.
  2.  Updates of previous planning issues – A reply was read out from the owners of Apple Tree Yard who confirmed that contractors would carry out remedial work to the verges within the next few weeks.  
  3. Complaint ref back of Holywell Lane - The Council would wait for further up to date information and photos from the complainant regarding build to back of Holywell Lane.
  4. Code of Conduct for construction industry – the Council noted Cllr Mossop’s email and the reply which had been received from Mike Gildersleeves, Assistant Director of Planning. The Council considered the reply most disappointing and RESOLVED that the Clerk should email Cllr Mossop thanking him for his original email and the time he had taken to write to Mr Gildersleeves, but also stressing their disappointment with the reply.

88   Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack – Four new residents had received welcome packs the following month.
  2. Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Planters would be replanted this month – one would be added to as a few plants had been put in by a resident.
  3. Verges and Village Green– The Clerk reported she would remind Glendale not to mow over the daffodils when carrying out their March cut.
  4. Village Trees - The Clerk reported that the tree contractors were currently behind with work and were waiting for the TPO permissions before they could commence with our work (hopefully by end of March).
  5. Utterby Voice – It was RESOLVED that there would be a section in the June Utterby Voice listing businesses in Utterby. These would be included without charge.
  6. Bus Shelters – In good order.
  7. Wood Maintenance Schedule - The Clerk reported that the contractor had contacted her to explain that due to very wet weather he had not yet started, but hoped to do so now that the weather was improving.

89   ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc

  1. Updates on previous issues – Cllr TB confirmed that the drain on Pear Tree Lane had still not been fixed. The Clerk reported that LCC Highways had called to say they were struggling with staffing due to Covid 19.
  2. Road surface Chapel Lane - it was noted that this had been ‘patched up’ and was not expected to last.
  3. ELDC Planning Review Consultation – It was RESOLVED that Councillors should complete the questionnaire from a personal viewpoint and respond on that basis instead of a corporate Council response.


90   Notifications

  1. None


91   Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday April 7th 2021 – on Zoom at 7pm


The meeting finished at 8:40pm.

Signed ___________________                                              Date________________________


Financial Quarterly montioring signed pages can be seen on the PDF version of these minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                               

Wednesday 3rd February 2021 at 7.00pm – held remotely with Zoom

Record of Members Present:

       Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

NB: Cllr Terry Buckley arrived at 7:30pm

Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (JM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM)

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC) and one member of the public.


       Public Forum

       A resident of the village wished to congratulate the Council for continuing to meet through the pandemic and also for the latest edition of the Utterby Voice. He also wondered about having a comments page in the Utterby Voice. The Chairman said we could consider that at a forthcoming meeting and thanked the villager for attending the meeting.

       Councillor Edward Mossop said he would report on Benson Court later in the meeting.

72   Apologies Received
Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Terry Buckley will be late.

73   To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

       Cllr NG and MW – item 6b as live on or close to Jacob’s Close.


74   Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd December 2020 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.

75   Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Co-option of Parish Councillor – NB: As only one candidate stood for co-option, the Council did not go into Closed Session. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Nicola Gallant be co-opted onto Utterby Parish Council and she signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  2. Chairman's Report – Cllr AW firstly welcomed Nicola Gallant to Utterby Parish Council. He stated that the refuge had been damaged again but due to the pressures on Council services that we would wait to report it until it had been hit again (damage only slight this time). The benches had now been installed onto the Village Green following a site meeting to choose the location with Councillors TB, MW, JW and himself. He continued that the weather had been dreadful resulting in grass verges being badly churned and rutted by lorries. He concluded that two or three residents had contacted him following the article in the Utterby Voice to say they had not received a survey about Benson Court.
  3. Clerk’s Report – The Clerk reported that we had had to take very quick delivery of the benches and that she was very grateful to you all Councillors and also Mr Fitch for sorting this out so quickly. She understood that the tree contractor was currently not operating and so this will be delayed, hopefully not beyond the end of this financial year and that the very wet weather has also meant that Mr Fitch has been unable to start the wood projects. With regards to Moles, the pest control company we use is very hesitant about setting up any more mole traps as he has had 3 taken from the village green, but did say he would try and get to look at the verges. The Clerk bought Councillors attention to the consultation regarding the revised local plan at ELDC.

The bank mandate was still in the process of being approved by HQ at HSBC. The website was due to be re-audited at the end of February by central government, but most issues were due to Lincolnshire County Council’s website management platform and so she could only list the issues on the Accessibility page. She concluded by reminding Councillors that if they wanted her to report any issues with roads or pathways, that she needed the exact location, a detailed description of the issue and preferably a photo.

  1. Communications – The Clerk had received two emails which would be discussed under planning. Via a Councillor, a text had been received notifying us that a villager who had been litter picking on the verges was pleased to assist the village in keeping it tidy. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk ask ELDC if they were still giving out litter picking equipment to villages?
  2. It was RESOLVED to accept the Meeting Date Schedule for 2021-22 (first Wednesday of each month, except for January and August).

76      Finance and Budgets

  1. Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payment for January and February 2021.
  2. DW Gibbs - January 2020 bus shelter cleaning £20.00
  3. DW Gibbs - February 2020 bus shelter cleaning £20.00
  4. Staff Salary and expenses for December 2020 £212.64
  5. Staff Salary and expenses for January 2021 £193.69
  6. Staff Utterby Voice Route1print - paid for my MV £86.00
  7. Geoff Fitch Installing two benches onto village green £100.00

TOTAL 632.33

Bank Balance as of 18th January 2021 Bank Statement 79 £16,758.90 outstanding cheques   £897.49 Actual funds available £15,861.41.

  1. It was RESOLVED to approve the draft budget for 2021-22. See Appendix 1.
  2. Audit -  It was RESOLVED that we would request that Mr S Fletcher, Mablethorpe Town Clerk be asked to undertake the audit for Utterby in 2021.
  3. Precept – Councillors noted that the precept application had been sent to ELDC along with 2021/22 tax base figures.
  4. Closed Session Item – It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: Quotations Cutting of verges and Village Green grass. It was RESOLVED to agree to the cheapest quotation, that of Glendale Countryside Ltd at £1287.00 for the combined Verges and Village Green grass cutting contract.
    NB: It was RESOLVED to move this item to the end of the agenda so that Cllr Edward Mossop could discuss and report of ELDC items further down the agenda. For the minutes this item has been kept as per agenda.


77   Planning

  1. Planning applications – DUNHAM, CHURCH LANE, UTTERBY, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN11 0TJ N/192/00028/21. The Clerk read out a letter from the owners of Dunham explaining why Planning Permission had not originally been progressed. It was RESOLVED to support this application.
  2. Jacob’s Close building development – removal of barrier: On the Planning Permission given for the N/192/00289/17development (adjoining to Jacob’s Close), it was noted that there was a condition that the vehicles had to access the site from Grange Lane. We had written to ELDC last February 2020 regarding this. There is a concern that now the barrier has been removed that construction traffic will try to use Chapel Lane to access the site. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to planning to request them to ask the person who applied to planning permission to re-erect the barrier – (further to this and looking back over last year’s reply from Enforcement, it was decided to discuss again at the next meeting).
  3.  Updates of previous planning issues – A letter was read out from the owners of Apple Tree Yard with regards to the article in the Utterby Voice highlighting issues mentioned by those living near to new developments. Cllr AW acknowledged that there had been no official complaints received regarding this particular development, but that due to very poor weather the verges were in a terrible state, made worse by lorries delivering to building sites in general throughout the village. It was RESOLVED to reply to the owners of Apple Tree Yard explaining this and request any help they could give to alleviate the issue with the verges becoming so rutted from traffic, would be appreciated.
  4. Any urgent planning issues - None

78   Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Asset Register – It was noted that the updated Assets Register now had the benches added. They had also been added onto the insurance policy.
  2. Welcome Pack – Four new residents had now moved into the village.
  3. Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – It was RESOLVED that Cllr JW could spend up to £75 on bulbs, plants and peat for the four planters in the village.
  4. Verges and Village Green– The Chairman reported again on the terrible state of the verges due to heavy rain and traffic. He also reported that there had been positive feedback about the new benches on the green.  The Clerk reported the Mole man was loath to set more traps as three had been taken from the village green. Cllr TB reported a very old sign on the Village Green that could no longer be read and agreed he would remove it next time he went by.
  5. Village Trees  Cllr AW reported that he had been told that Woodpecker Tree contractors were still working and we should chase the tree work. Clerk to action.
  6. Utterby Voice – The Chairman reported that there had been very good feedback from the new Utterby Voice.
  7. Bus Shelters – In good order.
  8. Parish Meeting - It was noted that we are no longer required to have a village meeting due to Covid 19 (This runs until May 2021).

79   ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc

  1. Updates on previous issues – Cllr TB reported that the drain on Pear Tree Lane as still not been fixed. Clerk to report again. It was noted that the flooding on Grange Lane, which was so extreme last year, is much better since work had been carried out by LCC.
    Benson Court - Cllr Edward Mossop reported that Christine Vicary (ELDC) had been in contact with him and reported only four surveys had been returned following distribution in Utterby and surrounding villages and so they were going to have a re-think. Cllr AW reported a number of residents had not received them in the first place.
  2. Road surface Chapel Lane -  it was reported that the road surface on Chapel Lane was very poor due to the number of lorries going down the lane to access the farm, but Cllr NG reported some work had been done to the surface recently.
  3. Excess water on Church Lane above the last house – Cllr AW reported that the flooding on Church Lane at the far end beyond the last house was very bad (photos shown). Residents of the village had reported the flooding and LCC had now erected flood signs. Clerk to also report on Fix My Street.
  4. Parish Agreement – It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would sign the parish agreement (LCC Highways verge cutting).


80   Notifications

  1. The Clerk reported that she had received notification of a Local Plan Review from ELDC and the Council could feedback at the next meeting in March 2021.


81   Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday March 3rd 2021 – on Zoom at 7pm


The meeting finished at 9:05pm.




Signed ___________________                                              Date________________________


See Budget draft on PDF version of minutes


Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                    

Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 7.00pm – held remotely with Zoom


Record of Members Present:

       Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW), Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

Not Present – None.

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC).

62   Apologies Received

63   To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

       None received.


64   Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4th November 2020 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.


  1. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
  2. Co-option of Parish Councillor – NB: As only one candidate stood for co-option, the Council did not go into Closed Session. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Matthew Wright be co-opted onto Utterby Parish Council and he signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  3. Chairman's Report – Cllr AW stated that he had spoken to Christine Vicary to explain that due to ill-health he would now be unable to post the Benson Court survey to householders in the village. He understood that ELDC would be leafleting the village in the next two weeks. Cllr AW also voiced his concerns regarding the lack of consultation regarding an extension being currently built on Church Lane (see planning item).
  4. Clerk’s Report – Nothing to report that wouldn’t be covered in agenda items.
  5. Communications – The Clerk read out an email received from London Hearts Charity regarding defibrillators. It was RESOLVED that as currently access and use of the Village Hall was limited, due to Coronavirus, the discussion regarding this would be deferred to a future meeting when the Covid crisis was not so significant.

66        Finance and Budgets

  1. Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payment for December - Information Commissioner Registration £40.00, Staff, salary/expenses November 2020 £196.73, DW Gibbs Dec bus shelter cleaning £20.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd November grass cutting £115.20, Jati Ltd (Cyan) – Pro forma 2 bramar benches and installation kits £897.49 TOTAL 1,269.42
  2. It was RESOLVED that no extra payment process would be put in place for January unless an emergency payment was required and then all Councillors would be required to agree to the payment (via email) which would be ratified at the February 2021 meeting.
  3. Bank Signatories -  Following issues with HSBC requiring the two new signatories to present themselves with ID at the bank and this being not possible at this time, It was RESOLVED that Cllr MW would be a new signatory so that the Council had three signatories.
  4. Bugets – It was RESOLVED to move the following budgets from Specific Reserves to the main budget headings.
  5. £700 currently under ‘New Signs Project’ to ‘Asset Repair & Maintenance (wooden structures)’
  6. £900 in Specific Reserves for ‘TPOs and Green Structures’ to ‘Other Green Structures Maintenance’ and
  7.  And at least £1000 (Clerk to calculate following RESOLUTIONS to purchase wood work contracts a reasonable budget) from Specific Contingency Reserves (£7139.99) into General Contingency to allow for any other emergencies before end of March 2021.


  1. Precept for 2021/22 – It was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk completes the Precept application to ELDC with the Chairman when documents are made available.
  2. Budget 2021/22 – The Councillors were asked to note the tabled draft budget and to bring any comments back to the February 2021 meeting when the budget would be Resolved upon.
  3. It was RESOLVED to move the CLOSED SESSION item to the end of the meeting so that Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC) could input regarding ELDC items. For the minutes, this item will be minuted in the agenda order. It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:
  4. Wood work – Kissing Gate, Millennium Tree bench and Notice-board. That being as out of three people asked to quote, only one had returned any estimates. These having been discussed with the contractor and a revised quotation given, it was RESOLVED that the Council would contract Mr G. Fitch for the following: Refurbishment of the Millennium Oak circular bench at a cost of £650. Refurbishment of the Kissing Gates on Church Lane at a cost of £400, refurbishment of the Parish Council Notice Board at a cost of £250.


67   Planning

  1. Updates to previous planning applications – Following a call and a web submission to ELDC enforcement regarding the building of an extension on Church Lane which the Parish Council had not been consulted on, Cllr Mossop suggested that we contact the new Assistant Director of Planning, Mr Mike Gildersleeve. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk forward on our concerns to Mr Gildersleeve. Cllr AW was concerned regarding the removal of a fence in Jacob’s Close which was in place to stop construction traffic accessing a building development. Cllr JM to report if traffic starts to use the route.
  2. Any urgent planning issues - None

68   Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack – No new residents, but one due to move in Grange Lane.
  2. Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – Cllr Mossop reported that the old signs advising of the path being impassable at the Kissing Gate were still up. Cllr AW said he would remove straight away.
  3. Verges and Village Green– The Clerk reported the cutting had finished until March. Clerk to contact the Mole man again due to increase in mole hills.
  4. Village Trees  – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should purchase 2 whitebeam trees at a cost of £80.10 each from Trees-online.co.uk – Clerk to use her own credit card and be reimbursed and co-ordinate with Woodpecker Tree contractors to plant.
  5. Utterby Voice – The Chairman had completed his text and sent to the Clerk. The Clerk would organise the school, church and village hall editorial. To be printed in January 2021.
  6. Bus Shelters – In good order.


69   ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc

  1. Updates on previous issues – The Clerk advised no reply had been received from Mr Grantham ref the bin on the village pond land. The Clerk said that the broken drain which had been reported following the last meeting, had been half repaired, Cllr TB said the bollards had been removed and drain still damaged. Clerk to follow up. Cllr Mossop advised that the Village Hall would be receiving info regarding an ELDC business interruption grant. Cllr AW advised he had received this and passed onto the Village Hall Treasurer.


70   Notifications

  1. None.


71   Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday February 3rd 2021 – on Zoom at 7pm


The meeting finished at 8:31pm.




Signed ___________________                                              Date________________________

Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                               

Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 6.00pm – held remotely with Zoom

Record of Members Present:

       Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).

Not Present – None.

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC).

52   Apologies Received

53   To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

       None received.


54   Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2020 as correct and for the Chairman to sign a copy forthwith.


  1. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
  2. Election of Vice Chairman – Cllr John Mackin was elected as the Vice Chairman of Utterby Parish Council and would sign the acceptance of office within the week.
  3. Chairman's Report – Cllr AW stated that he had nothing to report specifically but did report that following the last meeting two of the Parish Councillors had resigned.
  4. Clerk’s Report – Nothing to report that wouldn’t be covered in agenda items.
  5. Communications – The Clerk reported the two letters of resignation received from two Parish Councillors.
  6. Councillor Vacancies – The Clerk reported that we would hear from ELDC by the end of the week to see if residents of Utterby had requesting an election, and if not, the co-option of two Councillors would be sought.
  7. Storage at the Village Hall – The Clerk explained that since lockdown we had not been paying for storage of Parish Council files in a cupboard in the Village Hall as we had not been paying a general hire fee for meetings; she recommended that the hire of the storage area was put on a formal footing. The Treasurer of the Village Hall had emailed a request for the charge to be £3 per month until January and then £5 per month. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would pay the backdated charge for 9 months of £27 and then pay £5 per month from January 2021. It was noted with disappointment that the Parish Council could not have a key and general access to the hall.

56        Finance and Budgets

  1. Payments - It was RESOLVED to accept and pass the payment for November: J Woodward daffodils £50.00, Geoff Finch     Planting daffs  £130.00, Staff salary/expenses October 2020 £192.24, DW Gibbs Nov  bus shelter cleaning £20.00, David Buckley October hedges cutting and kissing gate path £100.00, Village Hall Storage charges £27.00 TOTAL £519.24
  2. Bank Signatories -  It was RESOLVED that Cllr JM and Cllr NM would be the two new signatories following the resignation of the two councillors last month who were both signatories.
  3. Quarterly Monitoring - Councillors noted the monitoring check documentation that had been carried out in October 2020.
  4. Precept for 2021/22 – It was RESOLVED that there would be no increase on the 2020/21 on the total of the precept requested, with it to stay at £8843.84. The Clerk made the Councillors aware that if the tax base dropped in the village then the precept charge per tax payer would show an increase.
  5. It was RESOLVED to move the CLOSED SESSION item to the end of the meeting so that Cllr Edward Mossop (ELDC) could input to the item regarding Benson Court. For the minutes, this item will be minuted in the agenda order. It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:
  6. Following quotations given for Tree Work, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk go back to one of the companies that had quoted to clarify the inclusion of the oak tree. Further that if that cost was included, or that its inclusion still rendered this the cheapest quote, then that company (WP) be awarded the contract (on sight of their public liability insurance).
  7. Wood work – Kissing Gate, Millennium Tree bench and Notice-board. That being as out of three people asked to quote, only one had returned any estimates therefore it was RESOLVED that the Chairman would discuss the quote in more detail with the person who submitted a quote to ensure that the Council would receive value for money and the item be deferred until the December meeting.


  1.  It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would organise the purchase of two whitebeam trees (at least 12 litres) for up to £150 including delivery.
  2. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would investigate where the sustained teak benches from the company Cyan originated, and then if suitable, be given delegated authority to spend up to £1000 on the cost of two benches (including delivery) following email to and confirmation of purchase by the majority of councillors. Councillors to meet at the Village Green prior to this to decide on a location for the two benches. The Chairman to clarify with a local contractor for a cost to fix the soft ground fixing kits for the two benches. Further it was RESOLVED that three ornamental trees could be purchased (budget to be earmarked in 21/22) next year to be sited in proximity of the benches if thought suitable
  3. It was RESOLVED that quotations for the insurance should be for a 3 year term.
  4. It was RESOLVED that the quotation for the grass cutting should be as one contract.
  5. It was RESOLVED that DG carried on with the bus shelter contract, and that DB carry on with the hedge cutting and Kissing Gate path cutting contract.

57   Planning

  1. Updates to previous planning applications – Further to the reply from Paul Edwards at ELDC ref Templeton, it was RESOLVED to reply to Mr Edwards to thank him for the reply, that although we were disappointed with the outcome, we appreciated his full explanation.
  2. Any urgent planning issues - None

58   Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack – No new residents.
  2. Utterby Tidy Up Campaign – The Clerk reported that the daffodils had been purchased by Cllr JW and been planted by GF.
  3. Verges and Village Green– The Chairman reported that the verges and the Village Green had been cut this week.
  4. Village Trees  – see under finance.
  5. Utterby Voice – The Chairman had started writing this and Cllr JW taking photos. The Clerk would organise the school, church and village hall editorial.
  6. Bus Shelters – In good order.


59   ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc

  1. Updates on previous issues – The Clerk advised all Councillors to use ‘Fix My Street’ for reporting issues with trees, potholes etc. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to DG again regarding the overflowing bin on the fishing pond’s land.
  2. Speed Signs in Village – Cllr NM advised that the signs were working intermittently now, and it was agreed that the Clerk would send Councillors the type of data that LRP used to send the Parish Council from the units.
  3. Benson Court – Cllr AW reported to that we had received a letter with a survey attached from ELDC with regards to Benson Court. Further he commented that this was not what he had been expecting as was not a survey on what residents thought should happen to Benson Court, rather a survey looking for new potential residents. Councillor Mossop did report that any feedback regarding the actual buildings use would come through Planning and we could comment as a Parish Council on any plans at that point. It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would speak to the contact at ELDC and report that he thought the questionnaire was too broad.


60   Notifications

  1. None.


61   Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday December 2nd 2020 – on Zoom at 7pm (time change was RESOLVED following a discussion of Councillors.


The meeting finished at 7:47pm.




Signed ___________________                                              Date________________________