June 2022 Minutes
• A resident commented that they were disappointed regarding Planning Enforcement’s decision to close the case of the complaint against plot 2 on Jacob’s Close - development not in accordance with the approved plans on planning.
• A resident reported that there had been a substantial increase of littering at the lay by near to the bridleway on Church Lane and asked if the Council would request a litter bin there.
Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).
Not Present - Cllr John Mackin (JM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (NM) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent and three members of the public.
12. Apologies Received
Cllrs: JM, NM and MW.
13. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
14. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2022 as correct and the Chairman signed them.
15. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a. Chairman’s Remarks. None.
b. Clerk’s Report. None.
c. There were no consultations to review.
d. Communications were from a resident from Benson Court, regarding progress, and the Clerk had replied that Cllr. Edward Mossop was corresponding with Platform Housing with regards to this matter.
16 Finance and Budgets
a) It was RESOLVED to approve all the payments: Clerk (GRS Signs jubilee Plaque invoice paid by credit card) £162.00, Clerk salary and expenses for May 22 £225.31, HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 NI and TAX April 22 £2.60, J C Woodward, peat and flowers for planters £121.44 Total £511.35
b) It was noted that the AGAR had been sent and received by email by the auditors PK Littlejohn.
c) It was RESOLVED to agree that Dave Skells Traffic Management Ltd refurbish the bus shelter at a cost of £486 plus VAT and that the Clerk had only received a quote from one contractor on this occasion.
17 Planning
a) There were no urgent plans to consider.
b) Planning Updates – It was noted that Planning Enforcement had closed the investigation as to the complaint regarding plot 2 land at Chapel Lane/ Grange Lane (Jacobs Close) and that the Council were very disappointed that plans could be changed significantly after they had been approved with no consequence. It was RESOLVED to write to Cllr Mossop (ELDC) with our concerns and copy in the relevant planning enforcement officer.
18 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Welcome Pack. One given out.
b) Verges and Village Green – The Chairman reported that David Buckley had requested if he could strim the Kissing Gate way more often but for the same combined price and it was RESOLVED that this was acceptable.
c) Bus Shelters – The Clerk reported that David Gibbs was currently ill and unable to clean the shelters.
d) Utterby Voice – This would be a 12 page edition in July 2022.
19 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) Benson Court - It was noted that Cllr Edward Mossop was liaising with Platform Housing with regards to Benson Court.
b) A16 Speed Issues - It was noted that the police speed checks seem to take place on a Sunday when the A16 is at its quietest.
c) Any urgent issues - It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would progress a request for a bin on Church Lane and also laminated some littering signs that could be put up down Church Lane.
20 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
21 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday July 6th 2022 at 7pm at the Village Hall.
The meeting finished at 7:45pm.
Signed ___________________ Date________________________