April 2022 Minutes
Record of Members Present:
Present – Cllr. Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr. Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr. Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr. Matthew Wright (MW).
Not Present – Cllr. Nicola Mackin (NM), Cllr. John Mackin (JM) and Cllr. Terry Buckley (TB).
In Attendance – Clerk - Maria Vincent and three members of the public.
Public Forum
• A member of the public brought to the attention of the Council concerns regarding the development on Grange Lane/Chapel Lane in that one of the houses appeared to have differing roof tiles, roof lights and solar panels to that on the original plans.
• A resident updated the Council on the information he had found from Lincolnshire County Council and the Lincolnshire Road Partnership regarding the statistics that were gathered for the speed of vehicles along the A16 but found frustration that he was being passed around from one agency to another. Further he questioned why north of the village there were about 20 houses that fell into the 50mph stretch of road and why this part had not been reduced to 40mph.
92. Apologies Received
Cllrs. TB, JM and NM.
93. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011
94. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd March 2022 as correct record and the Chairman signed them.
95. Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. None.
b) Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported that Came & Co, who we have a 3 year term of insurance with, had changed their name to Gallager. She also reported that the internet banking application had stalled again and a further application was being made.
c) Annual Parish Meeting – It was RESOLVED that Councillors would hand deliver the invites to residents to the Annual Parish Meeting and put on Facebook/website.
d) Consultations – V Net Zero Pipeline and County Views. Councillors should consider County Views as an individual and that the Clerk would add the links to the Facebook page.
e) Communications - Correspondence had been received and was noted from North Thoresby & Utterby Primary Academies, Green Canopy Jubilee Trees, emails from resident relating to speeding on A16, GOTEC and a resident of Benson Court (Clerk following up with ELDC ward Councillor).
f) Quarterly Monitoring – It was RESOLVED that Cllr Nicola Gallant would continue to undertake the Quarterly Monitoring for the next year.
g) Annual Policy Review – The following policies were reviewed and was RESOLVED to accept with suggested updates:
i. Council information document.
ii. Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme
iii. Risk Management Strategy.
iv. Risk Management Document.
v. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy.
vi. Equal Opportunities Policy.
vii. Environmental Policy.
viii. Health & Safety Policy.
ix. Grievance and Discipline Procedure policy.
96 Finance and Budgets
a) Internal Audit Report - The Council noted that the Internal Auditor had undertaken the 2021-22 audit and the Chairman read out the report sent. It concluded that the Internal Auditor would be happy to complete the Agar section in due course. It was RESOLVED that the Chairman would write to thank Mr. Steve Fletcher for the audit and report submitted.
b) Clerk’s Salary - The Clerk updated the Council on the following which they RESOLVED to authorise. Cllr NG reported that the Clerk had sent all the calculations through to her, which she confirmed to be correct: i To pay the outstanding time owned to the Clerk at year end of 4 hours. ii Clerk’s salary – to implement and backdate the National Pay Salary Award from April 1 2021 to March 31 2022.
c) Payments - It was RESOLVED to approve the payments: HM Revenue and Customs Tax for March 2022 £20.40,Clerk Salary and expenses for March 22 £296.49, J Woodward Peat and flowers £35.93, Millstone Garden Centre Planting 3 trees £214.20,East Lincs Pest Control Mole management £300.00,Utterby Village Hall hire £84.00,LALC Membership £84.85, DW Gibbs Bus Shelters £20.00. TOTAL £1055.87
d) Bank Reconciliation - The Council noted the bank reconciliation details of 18th March 2022.
97 Planning
a) Updates – None.
b) Planning issues – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact Planning Enforcement at ELDC regarding the development on Grange Lane/Chapel Lane in that one of the houses appeared to have differing roof tiles, roof lights and solar panels to that on the original plans.
98 Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)
a) Queen’s Jubilee –It was RESOLVED that a simple plaque would be suitable to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee rather than speed substantial amounts on information boards/benches, and that a verbal request was made to a member of the Village Hall Committee at the meeting to request if the plaque could be erected on the Village Hall building outside.
b) Welcome Pack – Nothing to report.
c) Village Trees – The grass on the green and verges had now been cut for the first cut of year and looked very neat, nicely cut around the daffodils.
d) Village Green – The mole hills had now subsided along the verges and village green.
e) Bus Shelters – Nothing to report.
f) Planters – Suggested that when refreshed purple and white flowers could be used to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (colours of branding being used).
g) Utterby Voice – Sadly no photos of the Queen’s coronation celebrations in Utterby seem to be available.
99 ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)
a) A16 Speed Signs – The Clerk also reported on information she had received in terms of the statistics from LRSP Archer reports. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to the Louth Rural Police Team to find out if there had been any reported RDAs in the Utterby in the last 3 years, since this would be a factor that could be included when requesting a decrease in road speed limits.
b) Urgent Issues – Nothing to report.
100 Notifications
a) Nothing to report.
101 Date and time of Next Meeting
a) Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 4th May 2022, 6pm. Annual Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2022, 7pm.
The meeting finished at 8:15pm.
Signed ___________________ Date______________________