Minutes of Meetings held October 2022 to April 2023

Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                         

Wednesday 5th April 2023 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall


  • A resident asked that householders be advised to close the lids of their wheelie bins properly as litter was blowing out of them onto the road and footway.
  • Cllr Mossop had prepared a written report which would be included in the Utterby Voice and on the website/ Facebook page.

Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

Not Present – none

In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, four members of the public and Cllr Mossop (ELDC).

92  Apologies Received

93  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

94  Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st March 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

95  Council Matters, Actions and Communications
a) Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that the notice board had been delivered and was being stored in his garage, and that is looked very good, but only had two doors.
b) Clerk’s Report. The Clerk gave a brief summary of matters emanating and updates from last meeting.
c) Consultations – None to discuss.

d) Communications were noted from: Fulstow Community Primary regarding final decision, Lincs Wolds Trust, LALC ref Extraordinary Meeting and ELDC regarding several trees on Church Lane now with TPOs.

e) Council Elections – The Council noted that both the Parish and District council elections were uncontested.

96  Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED to approve the payments schedule due end March 2023: HMRC March 2023 Tax £16.00, Clerk Salary and expenses in March 2023 £265.79, East Lincs Pest Control Mole traps £300.00, Utterby Village Hall Cupboard and room hire £150.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verges and Village Green March 2023 £130.46 TOTAL £862.25 and payments due the beginning of April DW Gibbs April 23 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00, LALC Membership £86.06 TOTAL £116.06
  2. Close of 2022/23 budget – The budget sheet was noted and it was RESOLVED that the balance of the budget £1482.31 be transferred to general earmarked reserves.
  3. Asset Review  - the assets sheet was discussed and it was RESOLVED that the cost of cover for the insurance of the bus shelters and other wooden structure be increased to allow for inflationary costs and also for the labour costs which were considered to have been under estimated in the previous year. Further that the Clerk would complete the pre quotation questionnaire based on the new figures for the insurance company and return.
  4. Payments for May – it was RESOLVED that, as the May meeting is two weeks later than usual that the quote for the insurance by Gallagher (final year of 3-year term) be circulated by email with a recommendation, and that the decision be ratified at the May meeting and further that all due payments be circulated via email, approved, paid, and ratified at the May 2023 meeting.

97  Planning

  1. Urgent planning applications to consider – Planning Application N/192/00401/23 - LAND REAR OF QUEENS CLOSE, GRANGE LANE -  It was RESOLVED that the parish council would neither support or object to this planning application. However, the parish council had grave concerns that, due to the very narrow access to the development land, any construction lorries would impinge onto the Village Green land, which is a public asset, managed and registered by Utterby Parish Council. Further that  they could not see how any construction traffic during the development would be able to turn around on the site. Lastly, they were concerned that notice has been given to the tenant of Braemar, Kevin Litchfield but not to the owner of the property.
  2. Updates from any other planning issues – none.

98  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. New residents to be given a pack.
  2. Verges, Trees and Village Green – The pest control company had removed eight moles. Two whips (trees) were dead on the village green and that we would consider replacing them at a meeting later in the year. It was RESOLVED that the planters all needed refreshing and that a budget of £150 be allowed for so that JW could purchase peat and plants.
  3. Bus Shelters – It was noted that a member of the public at the Annual Parish meeting had reported an issue with sludge and branches at the A16 South bus shelter making it difficult for people to alight on and off the buses.

99     ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. Bin application – Nothing had been received back yet from ELDC.


  1.   Notifications

 Nothing to report.


101   Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. It was noted that the next parish council meeting is the Annual Parish Council meeting on Wednesday May 17th (the THIRD Wednesday) 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby

Cllr AW thanked Cllr NG for all her hard work over the last few years as a Councillor as she had not stood as a councillor for the next term.

Meeting finished at 8:18pm


Signed         ___________________                              Date________________________


Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                         

Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall



  • Nothing to report.

Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

Not Present – Cllr John Mackin (NM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM).
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, two members of the public and Cllr Mossop (ELDC).

82.  Apologies Received
Cllrs. NM and JM.

83.  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

84.  Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st February 2023 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

85.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman had nothing to report.
  2. Clerk’s Report. The Clerk gave a brief summary of matters emanating and updates from last meeting and also reported that she had now had her appraisal.
  3. Ideas from the community for projects – It was RESOLVED to defer this to a meeting after a new Council had formed in May 2023.
  4. Consultations – None to discuss.
  5. Communications were noted from: 2023-02 Wolds NPT Briefing; ELDC ref election process info, Keep Britain Tidy, LALC and the Pride Team at ELDC.
  6. Promotion of Elections – It was RESOLVED to only promote the elections and the need to have photo ID on the website and Facebook.
  7. Annual Village Meeting on 5th April 2023 – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would bring a flask of hot water and tea/coffee/biscuits. Speakers would be: Parish Council Chair, St Andrew’s DCC rep, Head of Utterby Academy and a rep from the Village Hall. Councillor to post flyers through resident’s doors notifying of the Annual Village Meeting.
  8. King Charles III Coronation – The event that had been organised by the Church DCC had now been cancelled due to lack of manpower.
  9. Annual policy and document review. It was RESOLVED to make minor changes to the following policies:
    1. Council information document.
    2. Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme
    3. Risk Management Strategy.
    4. Risk Management Document.
    5. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy.
    6. Equal Opportunities Policy.
    7. Environmental Policy.
    8. Health & Safety Policy.
    9. Grievance and Discipline Procedure policy.
  10. It was RESOLVED to approve the following new privacy notice and policy for 2023-24:
    1. Utterby Parish Council Data Privacy Notice
    2. Utterby Parish Council GDPR Policy

86  Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED to approve the March payments schedule: DW Gibbs March 23 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00; HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 February 2023 Tax  £5.80; Clerk Salary and expenses in February 2023 £260.57. TOTAL £296.37
  2. Parish Notice Board – only one quote had been received for £550 plus VAT to install the new noticeboard and take down the old one. After discussion it was RESOLVED that the councillors would organise to undertake the job themselves taking care to wear PPE.
  3. Domain name and related email addresses (utterbyparishcouncil.gov.uk). It was RESOLVED that following only receiving two quotes that Cloud Next would be awarded the contract at a cost of £209 (year 1) £99 (year 2) £209 (year 3) £99 (year 4) – year 2,3 and 4 may increase with inflation etc.
  4. Grass Cutting Contract – It was RESOLVED To ratify the decision made (via email) that the grass cutting contractor for Village Green and verges was confirmed as contractor B (Glendale Countryside Ltd) but with the lower quotation of £1,526.72 plus VAT. This is following confirmation from LCC regarding the area we the parish council should include in their specifications.
  5. Audit – It was RESOLVED to accept the Internal’s Auditor’s report to the Council (which was read out) and to send a letter of thanks to Mr S Fletcher for undertaking the audit.
  6. Tax refund – Council noted that the application for the tax refund had been made.
  7. Draft Budget – The allocations 2023-24 were noted – It was RESOLVED that a slight change be made to increase the salary budget (£200) to allow for extra hours that may be required.
  8. Quarterly Monitoring – It was RESOLVED to approve the quarterly monitoring sheets checked by Cllrs: NG and JW 1st February 2023.
  9. Clerks outstanding hours – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should take any time owed up to 10 hours from the salary budget if available. Any further time (if no funds available) should be carried over to 2003/24 and reviewed in July.    

87  Planning

  1. Urgent planning applications to consider – none.
  2. Updates regarding N1920223022 Orchards hay store – noted that this was approved.
  3. Updates regarding N/192/00289/17 land off Chapel Lane /Grange Lane – this issue was discussed and it agreed that a full email had been sent by ELDC in response to our complaint.
  4. Updates from any other planning issues – none.

88  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. New residents has been given packs.
  2. Verges and Village Green – Mole man had been contacted again.
  3. Bus Shelters – Nothing to report.
  4. Utterby Voice – The Chair reported to councillors he would be very happy if other people would like to write some articles for the July Utterby Voice.

89     ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. New bins in the village – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would apply to request a bin near to the bridge on Hollywell Lane.
  2. LCC Grass Cutting Contribution – It was noted that Lincolnshire County Council’s contribution towards grass cutting of the verges 23-24 would be £898.04
  3. Any urgent issues or updates -None


  1. Notifications

 Nothing to report.


91     Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. That that the Annual Village Meeting would be held on Wednesday April 5th 2023 at 6pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.
  2. That the next parish council meeting was on Wednesday April 5th 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall, Utterby.

Meeting finished at 8:19.




Signed         ___________________                              Date________________________



Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held     
Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall


  • A resident thanked the Council for reporting the crumbling road outside their house. Following the Clerk reporting this on Fix My Street, the roadway was quickly repaired.
  • A resident congratulated the Council on the January Utterby Voice, especially in the depiction of old photographs of the village.
  • A resident raised concerns again regarding the development on Grange Lane/Chapel Lane and the response received from ELDC regarding complaints to Enforcement.

Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (NM), Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).

Not Present – Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).
In Attendance – Clerk: Maria Vincent, four members of the public and Cllr Hall (LCC).

72.  Apologies Received
Cllr. MW.

73.  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

74.  Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 7th December 2022 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

75.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman had nothing to report.
  2. Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported she no longer worked for Louth Town Council. Further she reported that she had now obtained the Filca qualification. She confirmed that both the Parish Agreement and the Precept application had been returned to LCC and ELDC.
  3. It was RESOLVED to send out a flyer to all households 1st week of March to promote the annual village meeting in April 2023.
  4. Ideas from the community for projects –The Chairman reported that a resident of the village was willing to supply free of charge a metal three-window notice board to replace the one which was now in a bad state of repair outside the village hall. It was RESOLVED to accept the kind offer it was noted that the notice board would have the branding of Blackrow Group. Instead of the title Utterby Parish Council, the board would just have the title of UTTERBY. Two windows (with lock and single key) would be for the Parish Council’s documentation. The third window, no lock, would be for the village / village hall events. The Parish Council would have to pay to remove the old board (cutting off the metal legs at ground level/ digging out) and then pay to site the new board including concreting it into the ground (to be in the same place as current notice board). A member of the Village Hall committee did state that there were some new drains near to the notice board that we should be aware of.
    Discussions took place regarding the cost and implications of having a small play area on the Village Green. The equipment for a small project (2 swings and a small climbing frame) would cost in the region of £12,000 + the safety surface and installation + VAT.  There were concerns regarding the long-term health and safety inspection aspect of this, and also the implication that members of the council would need to regularly inspect the play area equipment. Further, it was questioned if the current demographics of the village showed a reasonable population of young children? It was also felt there may be some residents who live on the border of the Village Green may object to the project. The Clerk to find out the cost of engaging a company to undertake inspections, and then to discuss again at the next meeting.
  5. Consultations –Fulstow Community Primary (sent by email – expired) was noted. It was RESOLVED to approve the consultation reply regarding the LCC precept 'Following an email to Utterby Parish councillors they supported Option A: 2% adult social care precept + 0.99% general precept = 2.99% precept'.
  6. Communications were noted from: London Hearts, PSPS notification of address, Louth Rural Police News, LALC membership, Lives funding request and letter to all Councillors from NALC.
  7. Appraisal – It was RESOLVED that Cllr JW, having had previous experience of undertaking staff appraisals, would undertake the Clerk’s appraisal.
  8. Meeting Dates - It was RESOLVED that Utterby Parish Council meeting dates for 2023/24 would be the usual 1st Wednesday of the month (not January or August) EXCEPT due to parish council elections, the May annual meeting would be held on the 17th May 2023).
  9. Emergency Contacts - It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would update the emergency contact detail list for inclusion on the website and notice board.
  10. Purdah – It was noted that Council elections would be held on Thursday May 4th 2023, and that Councillors should be aware of the ‘purdah’ good code of practice leading up to the elections.

76  Finance and Budgets

  1. Audit – It was RESOLVED that the Council would ask Mr S Fletcher, Mablethorpe Town Clerk, if he would be willing to undertake the audit for Utterby Parish Council for 2022/23.
  2. Draft Budget – The allocations 2023-24 were noted – an update may be required following the Closed Session item and the Clerk would bring the final draft budget to the March meeting.
  3. Financial Regulations – It was RESOLVED to update the public procurement information in the Financial Regulations as per supporting documentation.
  4. Grants/Funding - Information received with regards to grants/funding for defib units and play parks was noted.
  5. Quarterly Monitoring – It was RESOLVED that Cllr JW would act as the second councillor (along with Cllr NG) to check the quarterly monitoring.
  6. Closed Session Item – It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:

      1.It was RESOLVED that:

i.              Verge and village green grass cutting – That Glendale be awarded the contract following clarification by LCC of area of verges required to quote for.

ii.             Village green hedge cutting – That David Buckley be awarded the contract at the cost of £270.

iii.            Kissing Gate weed trimming - That David Buckley be awarded the contract at the cost of £105.

iv.            Domain name registration and emails – it was RESOLVED to defer this to the next meeting due to lack of quotes received back.

      2. Clerk’s holiday entitlement - It was RESOLVED that the allocation of holiday hours paid to the Clerk per month be increased as there is an extra bank holiday in 2023. It was noted that she had now been employed by Utterby Parish Council for over 5 years and this increased her holiday entitlement by 2 days (pro rata). This equated overall to the monthly holiday entitlement of 129 minutes per calendar month.

  1. It was RESOLVED to approve the February payments schedule: DW Gibbs Jan and Feb 23 Bus shelter and phone box £60.00; HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 December 22 Tax  £5.60 and January 2023 Tax £5.80; Clerk Salary and expenses in December 2022 £225.27  and January 2023                £233.06 and Clerk reimbursement for payment of Utterby Voice January 23 print £133.00; David Buckley Autumn cut village green hedge and removal of Christmas lights  £90.00; Dave Skells Traffic Management Ltd Bus shelter painting on main road £462.00. TOTAL £1,214.73                

77  Planning

  1. Urgent Planning Applications – none.
  2. Submission by Clerk on N/192/02230/22 Planning Permission – It was RESOLVED to approve the submission regarding planning permission consultation Erection of a hay store. THE ORCHARDS, MAIN ROAD, UTTERBY sent via email to Councillors. ‘Councillors had no comments to make via email’.
  3. Updates from any planning issues - LAND OFF CHAPEL LANE AND, GRANGE LANE, UTTERBY 1. Breach of condition 8 on Planning Permission reference: N/192/00289/17 concerning the use of wheel washing facility and the road used for entry to the site. Following confirmation that no action would be taken regarding the complaint the parish council made to Enforcement, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to enforcement saying that that the parish council was in total disagreement with ELDC over this matter. That the chalky sludge residue from the development is still being dragged onto the lanes either side of the development as a wheel wash is not being used (as was conditional on the planning permission given). Furthermore, that the Parish Council are concerned that the chalky sludge coating on these lanes might well be a contributing factor should a road traffic accident occur. Finally that as this issue is not likely to be short term, and could continue for two or three years, the Parish Council request that ELDC reconsider this issue.

78  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. Two new residents in the village (in attendance).
  2. Verges and Village Green – Still a problem with moles, Clerk to contact mole man again.
  3. Bus Shelters – Nothing to report.
  4. Utterby Voice – January edition had now been delivered to residents.

79     ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. Any urgent issues – It was RESOLVED that Cllr AW would survey the location of all bins so that we could apply to ELDC for more in relevant areas of the village.


80     Notifications

  1. Nothing to report.


81     Date and time of Next Meeting

Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7pm at the Village Hall.




Signed         ___________________                              Date________________________

Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held     
Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall



  • A resident raised an issue regarding the road outside their house, which was crumbling along with the kerbstone. Resident to send a photo to the Clerk so she can report it on Fix My Street.
  • Cllr. Alex Hall said he would look into whether the parish council would be allowed to make good the ash felt footpath along the A16 as LCC had said they would not be doing so (Fix My Street). Cllr. Hall also reported that, having had a discussion with LCC regarding the safety on the A16 through Utterby, he had been advised that we should again look at the Community Speedwatch Scheme; in response it was reported that following a survey in January 2020 there had been little interest from residents or councillors to volunteer for this scheme. Lastly Cllr Hall reported that further to our complaints regarding the position of the refuge island on the A16 (which was usually damaged at least once a year), that LCC would be surveying this to see if a Puffin Crossing would be a suitable replacement.
  • A resident raised a concern that as she understood, ELDC Enforcement Officers were not qualified to go out onto a development site (H&S) and asked Cllr Mossop if he could look into this situation.

Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and
Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

Not Present – Cllr Nicola Gallant (NG), Cllr John Mackin (NM) and  Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM).

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, two members of the public, Cllr Hall (LCC) and Cllr Mossop (ELDC).

62.  Apologies Received
Cllrs: NG, NM, and JM.

63.  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

64.  Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 2nd November 2022 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

65.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that the refuge had now been repaired.
  2. Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported that HSBC had confirmed that we no longer had internet banking.
  3. gov.uk Email and Domain – It was RESOLVED that a .gov.uk domain name would be registered in readiness for the new set of councillors in May 2023 with at least 8 email addresses (7 councillor and one for the clerk). Clerk to organise and confirm costs at future meeting.
  4. Ideas from the community for projects – The Clerk reported that one more suggestion had been received from a resident, this was to have more trees on the village green. Cllr AW mentioned that he had been asked whether there could be some more litter bins in the village and also reported that the Parish Council notice board was in very poor condition structurally, and that it may be pertinent to consider a new notice board which could also advertise village events (a suggestion to have an events notice board had been received from a resident). The Clerk read out a number of costings she had obtained for different projects but as only four councillors were present, it was RESOLVED that the item be fully discussed instead at the next meeting.
  5. Consultations – Viking CSS Pipeline – It was RESOLVED that the Council did not wish to make any comments to this consultation as the route did not directly affect the village, (although the local farming community may be affected) and that councillors should respond as individual residents.
  6. Communications were noted from: LALC, Annual Report and LALC News, email regarding more trees on the village green from a resident, Louth Rural Police newsletter and the notification of external auditor for the next five years is PKF Littlejohn.

66  Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED that the council register again with the Information Commissioner (ICO Data Protection) for year 2023/24.
  2. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk completes the Precept application for 2023/24 with the Chair when the documents are made available by ELDC and return them before the closing date as required.
  3. It was RESOLVED to renew the Parish Agreement (verges grass cutting) with Lincolnshire County Council as a rolling agreement from 2023/24 and the Chair signed the agreement.
  4. It was RESOLVED to approve the increase of the Clerk’s salary by £1 per hour from £11.73 to £12.73 per hour backdated to 1st April 2022 as per NALC Salary Awards and LGA agreement. Backdated costs £112 (April to end October 2022). Monthly salary before tax and NI will now be £203.68 (not including working from home and mileage claimed).
  5. It was RESOLVED to approve the December payments schedule: DW Gibbs, December 2022 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00; HM Revenue and Customs Only November 22 Tax £28.20; Clerk Salary and expenses in November and back pay from April 2022  £314.67; Utterby Village Hall  Hire of hall for 5 months 2022 Hire of storage for 6 months £150.00; The Information Commissioner Annual Registration Fee £40.00; Alan Woodward Batteries reimbursement £10.75 TOTAL £573.62

67  Planning

  1. Urgent Planning Applications – None
  2. Updates from any planning issues  - N/192/00289/17  LAND OFF CHAPEL LANE AND GRANGE LANE. The Clerk reported that she had now been contacted by the relevant Enforcement Officer but had been told that many of the complaints the Parish Council had submitted were not enforcement issues but that they would look at some points we had raised. The issue with the chalk roads on the development now causing a skidding danger on Grange Lane had to be reported directly to LCC (Fix My Street).

68  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. A set of new residents in the village had received a pack.
  2. Verges and Village Green – nothing to report.
  3. Bus Shelters – the Clerk reported that due to the massive increase of costs of Perspex, that the Benson Court bus shelter would only be repainted and the plastic windows would be replaced when the prices started go down in cost.
  4. Utterby Voice – Clerk to remind village hall, school and church to send articles.
  5. Christmas Lights – The Chair reported that there had been an issue with a set of the lights due to wet conditions and that he thought next year the Council should consider getting some commercial hardier lights.

69     ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. Any urgent issues – None.
  2. Benson Court – Following last month’s report that there were now only five residents left at Benson Court, Cllr Mossop reported that he had contacted ELDC who liaise with Platform Housing, and been informed that one of the residents in question had been offered a number of other housing units but as he wanted a bungalow, they were not currently able to re-house him. Cllr Mossop was assured that ELDC/Platform Housing would consult with the Parish Council and remaining residents once they had decided what their plans were for Benson Court.


70     Notifications

  1. Nothing to report.


71     Date and time of Next Meeting

Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 1st February 2023 at 7pm at the Village Hall. The Chair reminded councillors that there was no meeting in January and wished everyone a happy Christmas and New Year.

The meeting finished at 8:28pm.


Signed         ___________________                             Date________________________



Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held                                          

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall


  • Cllr. Hall gave a report on the Active Travel Scheme public meeting 17th October 2022 and reported that it had been well attended and many people had come from the rural villages around Louth. Since then, he had also attended the Louth Transport Board meeting, 25th October, which was based on broader travel issues, but that the Active Travel Scheme had been discussed. Cllr. Hall personally felt that L.C.C. were still not listening to the views of the residents of Louth and those in the villages, that Cllr. Parkin was still in favour of the pedestrianisation of Louth. He felt the whole scheme should be abolished as pedestrianisation would have to be put in place to receive funding, and he thought that this would kill the town. Cllr. Hall explained the L.C.C. Councillor representation: Cllr Parkin was Louth South (in which the Market Place, Mercer Row and Cornmarket was situated, he was Louth North and Cllr Marfleet was Louth Wolds. He concluded that the poorly placed and designed parklets and lack of consultation in the early days had ruined any chance of a successful outcome of the Active Travel scheme.

Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Nicola Gallant (NG),
Cllr John Mackin (NM),  Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM), Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW) and
Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

Not Present – None.

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, 7 member of the public and Cllr Hall (LCC).

52.  Apologies Received

53.  To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

54.  Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 5th October 2022 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

55.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. The Chairman reported that he had posted a flyer through all residents’ doors regarding suggestions for projects in the village and had enjoyed having a good look around the village. He noted there were a few new residents in the village.
  2. Clerk’s Report. The Clerk reported she had sent a letter to close down the internet banking with HSBC but had not received any further correspondence from them.
  3. Ideas from the community for projects – The residents of the village were encouraged to speak and voice ideas during this item. A number of ideas had been emailed to the Clerk including:
  1. A sign board to place near the lamppost near the bus stop outside the hall, where village events can be promoted.
  2. Some sort of play equipment for children on the Village Green.
  3. Organising or paying for rural touring productions to put on plays in the Village Hall or Church.
  4. Ref towards the Grimsby end of the village - it would be appreciated to have the footpaths redefined and made safe to walk upon.
  5. A community orchard, play area and wildlife pond on the Village Green.
  6. Tasteful and effective speed calming measures (decorative gates/village signs) on main roads.
  7. Traffic safety mirrors to be attached to the bus shelter opposite to aid vision of the A16 when pulling out of Chapel Lane.            
  8. Speed bumps installed on Church Lane to slow the cars that completely ignore the speed limit.

Regarding the above, Cllr. Hall said that speed bumps would not be implemented by LCC as they had been found not to be carbon friendly (as people sped up in between bumps increasing use of fuel). Cllr. TB liked the idea of a play area and said that when he was young the Green was used much more for events as well. Cllr. AW said that there would have to be consideration of health and safety, insurance and accountability, along with monthly checks of any play area carried out by councillors and also annual checks, he continued that a fence would have to be put around any pond and therefore this would restrict the enjoyment of it. A resident asked if we could have more trees and benches on the Village Green. Another resident did caution the planting of fruit trees as all the fruit would have to be picked up to avoid attracting vermin. Cllr. AW reported that we had planted six trees over the last two years and put in two benches. He continued that prior to Covid, the village used to have a Saturday Cafe in the hall and it would be good to have that back and expand it, perhaps having chairs and tables on the Village Green.

The suggestion of a defibrillator was also raised. Fotherby had recently purchased one.

  1. It was RESOLVED that Parish Council meetings would continue to start at 7pm in the autumn/winter (December 2022 – March 2023) as otherwise Cllr. TB would be unable to attend due to his farming working day.
  2. It was RESOLVED that the Utterby Parish Meeting would take place at 6pm on 5th April 2023, prior to the Parish Council Meeting. The Clerk advised the Council that the May 2023 meeting might have to be moved back by two weeks to allow for a contested parish council election.
  3. Consultations – Anglian Water new reservoir consultation – It was RESOLVED that the Council did not wish to make any comments to this consultation.
  4. Communications were noted from: NALC regarding Handling Online Abuse and Intimidation Webinar and ELDC regarding avian influenza.

56  Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED  to change Financial Regs point 10hWhen it is to enter into a contract of less than £25,000 in value for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) the Clerk or RFO shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is below £3,000 and above £250 the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates. Otherwise, Regulation 9.3 above shall apply.’ from £250 to £500.
  2. It was RESOLVED to approve the November payments schedule: DW Gibbs November 2022 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00,HM Revenue and Customs October 22 Tax £2.60, Clerk salary and expenses in October 22 £217.71, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verge cutting in September 2022 £130.46, Dave Skells TM Ltd refurb of bus shelter opposite Benson Court 558.00, David  Buckley village green hedge x 2 and footpath x 2 £200.00, Glendale Countryside Ltd Verge cutting in October 2022 £130.46 TOTAL  £1,269.23. It was noted that Lincolnshire County Council had paid their contribution towards grass cutting 2022/23 of £825.14.
  3. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk would look into the feasibility of all the suggested projects in item 4c and report back at a future meeting. After discussion regarding the precept, it was RESOLVED that this should be kept the same, no increase, for 2023-24 as had been for the previous two years, £8843.84.
  4. Quarterly Monitoring Report – Cllr. NG reported that she had checked the documents for the Quarterly Monitoring July –end September 2022 and it was RESOLVED to accept and approve them.
  5. It was RESOLVED to obtain quotations for grass cutting and hedge cutting 2023/24, further that the Council would continue to use DW Gibbs for cleaning the bus shelters and telephone box in 2023/24. Any other projects would go out to quote as per Financial Regulations. Cllr. AW reiterated that the Council would not always chose the cheapest quote, but that which they considered best value and that he considered we currently were using very good contractors.

57  Planning

  1. Urgent Planning Applications – None
  2. Updates from any planning issues  - N/192/00289/17  LAND OFF CHAPEL LANE AND GRANGE LANE. The Clerk reported that although she had emailed three times to ELDC Enforcement, no reply had been received. A resident reported that she had spoken to an enforcement assistant a number of times and had received confirmation of complaints she had made.  Cllr. JM had also spoken to Enforcement regarding a number of complaints. The list of complaints included: Dust being generated on site it not being dampened down, wheels on lorries are not being cleaned before going off site, manhole covers being damaged on the road entering into the development site, the proximity of the gas canisters to neighbouring properties and fence, the installation of a large electric fridge in one of the wooden sheds. It was also reported that there should be a turning circle and that the pond that used to be on the land has now gone. ELDC Enforcement said they would be visiting the site to check the situation. These could be continuous issues for the next two years as it was understood that the person building the property had run out of money to continue the build but was living on site in the caravan. Some of the other house owners were now moving in and they would be living in a building site. The Clerk said she would ring the Enforcement Officer and try to find out information regarding action on these issues. Clerk to email Cllr. Mossop to request that he assists and also to find out if he is able to attend the December meeting.

58  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. Two new sets of residents in the village, Chairman to take a welcome pack around.
  2. Verges and Village Green – it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would find out from LCC if any action could be taken on the grass cutting at the north of the village to try and improve the path. Further it was RESOLVED that the mole man was required again for the Village Green and verges.
  3. Bus Shelters – The Clerk reported she was waiting for Dave Skells TM to report back regarding the price of the Perspex for the bus shelter outside Benson Court
  4. Utterby Voice – It was confirmed that there would be an article included about walking dogs in the village, keeping them on leads, poo bins etc.
  5. Christmas Lights - It was RESOLVED that Cllr. AW would arrange that the lights on the tree were on for advent, and that the new set would be added. The Clerk to contact David Buckley to arrange for his assistance. Cllr AW to buy the batteries and send the Clerk the receipts.

59           ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. Any urgent issues – Cllr AW reported that he had spoken to one of the gentlemen who had been to our meeting from Benson Court and he had told Cllr. AW that the other resident had now died. There were only five residents left at Benson Court. The Clerk to ask if Cllr. Mossop could update us at the next meeting on any news. It was also reported that the complaint regarding the street light on Grange Lane which was in danger of being knocked over, had escalated somewhat, and that LCC had acknowledged it (Fix My Street) had been damaged and had fused all the lights in the row and so none of the lights were now working.
  2. Footpaths – See note regarding north end of village footpath under 4c.
  3. Drainage on Grange Lane – It was noted that the water had quickly collected at the road entrance during heavy rain, but that this had subsided and so some of the drains were currently working. There was one drain with a covered hole, Cllr. MW to take a photo to send to the Clerk so she could add to Fix My Street.

60           Notifications

  1. Nothing to report.

61     Date and time of Next Meeting

Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 7pm at the Village Hall.

The meeting finished at 8:38pm.


Signed         ___________________                             Date________________________



Minutes of the meeting of Utterby Parish Council held     
Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 7.00pm – at Utterby Village Hall


  • A resident complained that the refuge (traffic island) had still not been repaired. It was agreed that it had been very poorly placed when originally installed.
  • Cllr. Hall had sent an information sheet on how residents can get help available during the cost of living crisis. Cllr. Hall also advised that a £100 rebate would be available to those who used oil heating fuel, but was unaware at present how the system would work. Cllr. Hall outlined progress on the Active Travel Scheme and that a Louth Travel Board had been set up (next meeting 25th October). The public meeting regarding the ATS was set for 17th October 2022 at St James’ Church.

       Record of Members Present:
Present - Cllr Alan Woodward (AW) (Chair), Cllr Terry Buckley (TB), Cllr John Mackin (NM) and Cllr Nicola Mackin (JM) and Cllr Jackie Woodward (JW).

       NB Cllr. TB arrived at 19:28 before the Council communications item.

Not Present - Nicola Gallant (NG) and Cllr Matthew Wright (MW).

In Attendance - Clerk Maria Vincent, one member of the public and Cllr Hall (LCC).

42. Apologies Received
Cllrs. NG and MW.

43. To receive any Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011

44. Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting 7th September 2022 as correct and the Chairman signed them.

45.  Council Matters, Actions and Communications

  1. Chairman’s Remarks. None.
  2. Clerk’s Report. None.
  3. Consultations – Proposal of Fulstow Primary School to become a church school – It was RESOLVED that the Council wished to make no comment regarding this proposal.
  4. Communications were noted from: Louth Town and Rural Policing Team; Lincs Reservoir Team; Louth Town Council, date for Active Travel Meeting now 17th October; Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service ref grants; Simon re MacMillan coffee morning; Victoria Atkins ref winter support summit, member of public wrote ref the Lincs Wolds Railway Society regarding the withdrawal of the permissive status on the railway bridleway from PearTree Lane southwards. (Cllr. Hall to follow this up) and it was RESOLVED that the information from Cllr Hall on the cost of living crisis support info would be linked to on Facebook.
  5. Civility and Respect  It was RESOLVED to adopt the following Civility and Respect Bullying and Harassment statement as Policy - ‘We treat everyone with courtesy and respect and ask for the same in return. We ask that you treat your councillors and council staff courteously without violence, abuse or harassment. Councillors and council staff have the right to carry out their civic duties and work without fear of being attacked or abused. Any behaviour whether that be verbal, physical or in writing, which causes either councillors or council staff to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or threatened, is totally unacceptable. The zero tolerance policy includes abuse, aggression or threats made in person, over the telephone or in written communication, including on social media. The council considers threatening behaviour to be:
  • Attempted or actual aggressive, or physical actions made towards any councillor or member of staff.
  • The use of aggressive, or abusive language, (including raising of the voice, swearing, shouting or in writing) which threatens or intimidates councillors or council staff’.

This policy applies throughout all council meetings, but it also applies to any councillor or council staff away from council meetings.

46 Finance and Budgets

  1. It was RESOLVED to approve the October payments schedule: DW Gibbs, October 2022 Bus shelter and phone box £30.00; HM Revenue and Customs Only120PX00376161 September 22 Tax £2.60; Clerk salary and expenses in September 22  £219.87 TOTAL  £252.47
  2. It was RESOLVED to defer the budget item to next month’s meeting.

47  Planning

  1. Urgent Planning Applications – The Clerk read out the letter she had sent (emailed) to ELDC Enforcement regarding the issues with N/192/00289/17 Land off Chapel Lane/Grange Lane. No reply had been received to date. A discussion ensued regarding responsibility of communal areas on new developments and road adoption, Cllr. Hall expressed how road adoption was difficult as often developers did not install them up to the LCC standard so they would not then take on the liability.

48  Parish Council Amenities (bus shelters, village green, etc)

  1. Welcome Pack. New resident in the village, Chairman to take a welcome pack around.
  2. Verges and Village Green – nothing to report
  3. Bus Shelters – It was RESOLVED that the bus shelter directly outside Benson Court should be refurbished by Dave Skells Traffic Management if the cost was similar to that across the road.
  4. Utterby Voice – Simon to write an article about his coffee mornings and an article also to be included about walking dogs in the village, keeping them on leads, poo bins etc.

49  ELDC/LCC Services (Streetlights, Bins, Highways, Verges, Footpaths, etc)

  1. Benson Court – Council noted that the hedge outside Benson Court was due to be cut this week.
  2. Any urgent issues – None
  3. A16 RTA – The Clerk read out the report regarding this accident sent by the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

50  Notifications

  1. Nothing to report.

51  Date and time of Next Meeting

  1. Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday November 2nd at 7pm at the Village Hall.


The meeting finished at 8:19pm.



Signed           ___________________             Date________________________