Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 

Each year all Town and Parish Councils have an internal audit. Following this, at the end of the financial year, Councils complete a series of financial documents for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, called AGAR for short, as instructed by the external auditors (currently PKF Littejohn LLP). As our income and expenditure is below a certain threshold, Utterby Parish Council are allowed to submit an Exemption Certificate to the external auditors, but they must publish all of the relevant documentation from the AGAR on their website along with information about the Notice of Public Rights. The Notice of Public Rights gives the electorate or an interested person the legal right to inspect the accounting records of smaller authorities.


2022-23 Financial Year

AGAR 2022-23 - click here to go to the documents page on the 2022-23 AGAR

Quarterly Monitoring 2022-23 documents 

End of Year Finance Report

2021-22 Financial Year

AGAR 2021-22 - click here to go to the documents page of the 2021-22 AGAR

Quarterly Monitoring 2021-22 documents 

End of Financial Year 2021-22 overview

2020-21 Financial Year

AGAR 2020-21 - click here to go to the documents page of the 2020-21 AGAR
End of Financial Year 2020-21 Budget Overview, List of payments/income and Finance Report

Quarterly Monitoring 2020-21 documents (Each quarter, one of the Parish Councillors undertakes the quarterly monitoring check of the finance records. At the end of the year the Clerk produces a report and receipts/payments which are reported at the Parish Council meeting. Click on the link below to see the documents (which are pdfs as handwritten on)

2019-20 Financial Year

Click here to go to the  2019-20 AGAR documents
Our internal Audit report for the last financial year can be seen here.
The 2019-20 Financial Report and list of all payments can be dowloaded by clicking this link.

Archive Financial Years

All older financial records can be downloaded from our Finance Archives page.